McGill policies and guidelines:
University Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
Responsible Use of McGill Information Technology Resources
Guidelines for Blogs & Wikis at McGill
Policy on Email Communication with Students
Policy on the use of McGill University's name, logo and other trademarks
Employee policies and procedures
Federal policy:
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada on Social Networking
The Code of Ethics of the College of Physicians of Quebec - Social Media Policy
The Neuro's Social Media Policy
General information:
Guidelines for using social media in the classroom (A helpful blog post from Prof. Chris Buddle)
Social Media Trolls: A Practical Guide for Dealing With Impossible People
6 Best Practices for Universities Embracing Social Media
Facebook Insights and Twitter analytics can help you measure your efforts
For information about transparency in online communities, read the Social Media Council’s “Disclosure Best Practices Toolkit."
Social Media Huddle |
Resources used for these Guidelines:
Social Media Policy Resource Guide for Higher Ed
DePaul University
Social Media Today