Full Professor
New Chancellor Day Hall
3644 Peel Street
Room 516
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514-398-8947 [Office]
pierre-emmanuel.moyse [at] mcgill.ca (Email)
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Website Centre for Intellectual Property Policy
Focus online - L'intellectuel et la propriété: profil de recherche de Pierre-Emmanuel Moyse (interview, Mars 2011)
Talking Teaching Profile - Owning scholarship
View a video profile of his research on Youtube.
Focus Law | droit, fall-winter 2015: Create, Regulate, Innov8
Pierre-Emmanuel Moyse is a full professor at the McGill Faculty of Law. Professor Moyse joined the Faculty of Law in 2006 as a Wainwright Junior Fellow, before being appointed assistant professor in 2007. He is a member of the Centre for Intellectual Property Policy (CIPP), which he served as director from 2011 to 2020. After completing his first law studies in France and obtaining an undergraduate degree in integrated French-German business law from the University of Mainz, Germany, he obtained an LLM in intellectual property and a doctorate in law from the Université de Montréal. In parallel, he completed a Bachelor of Law for admission to l’École du Barreau du Québec, from which he graduated in 2000. He was a researcher at the Centre de recherche en droit public from 1995 to 2000. He is the founder and editor of Éditions Thémis’ Innovation and Competition series, and the editor of LexisNexis’ Jurisclasseur Propriété Intellectuelle.
Professor Moyse is currently researching the social and legal costs of innovation and investigate the role of intellectual property in the tax, labour and commercial law discourses. In 2014–15, he taught a new course on the Laws of Innovation at the Buchmann Faculty of Law of the University of Tel Aviv, and was visiting scholar at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas and Paris XI. In 2015, he created a new and innovative course "IP in the Making" in collaboration with Heritage Canada and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. This initiative aims at introducing 3rd and 4th year students to the art and science of policy.
Professor Moyse teaches intellectual property, commercial law, property law and evidence in civil matters. As a practising lawyer, registered trademark agent and expert, he is frequently invited to intervene and plead before the courts. In 2007, he successfully pleaded in the case of Euro-Excellence v. Kraft Canada in front of the Supreme Court of Canada, one of the most important recent decisions of the decade in Intellectual Property.
- P.-E. MOYSE, dir., Le droit et la machine - The Machine and The Law, Montréal, Les Édition Thémis, (forthcoming).
- P.-E. MOYSE, Dir., Jurisclasseur Propriété intellectuelle, Montréal, LexisNexis, 2013.
- P.-E. MOYSE, dir., What Performance – Quelle performance ?, Montréal, Les Édition Thémis, 2013.
- P.-E. MOYSE, Le droit de distribution – Analyse historique et comparative en droit d’auteur, Montréal, Yvon Blais, (2007) (doctoral thesis, 700 pages).
Recent contributions
- P.-E. MOYSE, « La droit du cidre de glace au Canada » (submitted)
- P.-E. MOYSE, « Innovation : The Shadow of The Law » (forthcoming)
- P.-E. MOYSE, « La propriété ubiquitaire du fichier numérique (The Ubiquitous Property of Digital Files) », (October 17, 2016). Revue de droit d'Ottawa, Vol. 48, No. 1, 2016.
- P.E. MOYSE, « Le droit des utilisateurs au Canada Juris », (2015) 25 Juris, Art, Etc. 30-33
- P.E. MOYSE, « La propriété », (2015) McGill Companion
- P.-E. Moyse, « 'La Confusion des Genres': Logos and Packaging as Copyrighted Works», (2014) in I. Calboli & E. Lee, eds, Trademark Protection and Territoriality Challenges in the Global Economy, Edward Elgar, 478-497.
- P.-E. Moyse, « Responsabilité sociale et personne morale : Fictions ou oxymorons du droit ? », (2013) 84 RLDA Lamy 72-75
- P.-E. Moyse, « Le droit moral au Canada : facteur d’idées », (2013) 25 Cahiers de propriété intellectuelle 141.
- P.-E. MOYSE, « Le droit moral », Fascicule 7, Jurisclasseur en propriété intellectuelle, dans Propriété Intellectuelle, Montréal, LexisNexis, 2013.
- P.-E. MOYSE, « L’anténorme : essai sur une théorie de l’abus en propriété intellectuelle », Partie I, (2012) 57 McGill Law Journal 861.
- P.-E. MOYSE, « L’anténorme : essai sur une théorie de l’abus en propriété intellectuelle », Partie II, (2012) 58 McGill Law Journal 3.
- P.-E. MOYSE, « Pouvoir et gouvernance : une théorie du devoir social en matière corporative », in P.-E. Moyse, dir., What Performance, Les Éditions Thémis, 2013.
- P.-E. MOYSE, et F. LORD, « La propriété intellectuelle : sa fonction et sa justification », Fascicule 1, Jurisclasseur en propriété intellectuelle, dans Propriété Intellectuelle, Montréal, LexisNexis, 2013.
Recent Conferences
- « Innovation : In the Shadow of Law », 10th WIPO Advanced Intellectual Property Research Forum: The theory and practice of Intellectual Property - taking stock and looking ahead, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Geneva, May 24, 2016
- « Creative Districts », McGill Think Ahead | Une pensée d’avance CLE conference series, McGill Faculty of Law, Montréal, 23 février 2016.
- « L’obsolescence en droit », Université de Montréal – Regroupement Droit, Gouvernance, et Changement, Université of Montréal, Montréal, 6 novembre 2015.
- « Convergence – How To Train Your Lawyer », ABA Annual Colloquium, Montreal, Thursday, October 22, 2015.
- « Le coût de l’inconnu : réflexions sur les dommages et intérêts en propriété intellectuelle », Paris, 17 décembre 2015, Paris XI- Saclay.
- « From Importation to Digital Exhaustion », Private-Commercial Law Workshop, Hebrew University, April 27, 2015.
- « Le droit des utilisateurs: dérive canadienne ? », Université de Grenoble, March 19, 2015.
- « Les décisions rendues en droit d’auteur par la Cour suprêmes en 2012 », Colloque annuel des Cours fédérales, Cour fédérale, Montréal, 7 mai 2013.
- « L’idée de responsabilité sociale », Les instruments juridiques de la responsabilité sociale et environnementale des entreprises, CREDIMI, Université de Bourgogne, 29 mars 2013.
- « The Supreme Court Pentalogy », McGill Think Ahead | Une pensée d’avance CLE conference series, Faculty of Law, February 19, 2013.
- « How IP Policy shapes corporate behavior and economic growth », FICPI, Mont-Tremblant, February 8, 2013.
Ongoing research projects
Who is Shalev Ginossar? Ginossar is en emblematic figure of civil law. Trained in Europe he was Dean of the University of Jerusalem. Yet very little has been written about him and his work. Why? Our research will hopefully allow us to unravel the mystery.
InterLIG is a research partnership project between minds in Montreal and Vancouver to create and promote solutions that favor innovation beyond the traditional avenue of intellectual property law. It draws on the interface between geography and the law. For example, zoning laws could be used to concentration creative talent and activities within regions. This would contribute to the emergence of ideas and would accelerate the growth of these sectors.
Mobility of Knowledge - Own the Job or Own the Product, innovates by exploring knowledge dissemination and the rewards of creativity through the regulation, and the organization, of workers, thus rejecting the strict confines of traditional scholarship that focuses only on rules associated with allocating ownership rights through property law protections. Our objective is to show that when the work-for-hire mechanism is in play, the use of non-compete clauses is harmful to the social goals animating this legal framework. More specifically, in creative and collaborative environments, when a company can capitalize on intellectual property, the use of non-compete clauses may prove not only to be unnecessary from an innovation policy standpoint but also detrimental. This has important policy implications because it means dismantling an existing status quo in which many feel emotionally and economically invested, and embracing a radically alternative course. Own the Job or Own the Product therefore seeks to offer a wholly new theory on innovation and knowledge, to usher in a new perspective on creative outputs by employees in creative industries, and to fundamentally change the landscape for a legal and institutional approach to creative productivity as a social endeavour. We aim to reveal the intricacy of two consubstantial narratives that have yet to be told simultaneously: owning the job, and/or owning the product.
A New Incorporeal Property Regime: This project looks at the possibility of designing a special regime of property for incorporeal objects, being files or virtual objects. The Civil code of Québec already contains the classification of incorporeal property: debts or dismembered rights are property within its purview. Would it be possible to imagine a specific regime for intangible property which are transferred by Internet or created in various virtual market places or video games? Recent case law has revealed the ambiguous nature of files or virtual objects. They might be susceptible of protection according to the intellectual property laws but present a materiality that has not escaped the Court. In several recent cases, the transfer of electronic copies containing works has be characterized as been a sale and not a license.