Target Audience: All staff, faculty and students required to handle and/or store radioactive materials and has already followed radiation formal training more than 3 years ago must follow this course.
McGill students, staff and faculty can complete the online course and exam using the EHS Safety Training System - Web Training.
Content: Review of the content found in the core course (Principles of Laboratory Radiation Safety).
Certification: A course certificate is presented to participants who successfully pass the online quiz.
Duration: The online refresher course is composed of 2 modules and a quiz. Each module may take about 1-2 hours.
Cost (McGill): Free, and restricted, to McGill Community (students, staff and faculty).
Quiz information: The quiz is compulsory for all staff and students under the McGill radiation permit. You may wish to consult course notes, dictionaries and use a scientific calculator during the quiz. The quiz consists of 15 multiple-choice questions. You must obtain an 80% grade or higher to successfully pass the course.