Ian Gold is Professor of Philosophy & Psychiatry and Chair of the Department of Philosophy at McGill University in Montreal. His research focuses on the study of delusions, social neuroscience—especially Theory of Mind—and on reductionism in psychiatry and neuroscience. He is the author of research articles in the journals as Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Mind and Language, Consciousness and Cognition, The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, World Psychiatry, Transcultural Psychiatry, Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, Schizophrenia Research, and Cognitive Neuropsychiatry. Suspicious Minds (Free Press), a book co-written with his brother Joel Gold on the theory of delusions, appeared in the summer of 2014.
ian.gold [at] mcgill.ca (Email)
Selected Articles
Choudhury, S., Gold, I., & Kirmayer, L. (2010). From brain image to the Bush Doctrine: Critical neuroscience and the political uses of neurotechnology. American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience, 1(2), 17-19.
Gold, I., & Kirmayer, L. (2010). Neuroscience as cultural intervention: Reconfiguring the Self as moral agent. American Journal of Bioethics: Neuroscience, 1(4), 1–3.
Gold, I., & Olin, L. (2009). From Descartes to desipramine: Psychopharmacology and the self. Transcultural Psychiatry, 46(1), 38–59.
Gold, I. (2009). Reductionism in psychiatry. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 54(8), 506-512.
Butchart, S., Forster, D., Gold, I., Bigelow, J., Korb, K., Oppy, G., & Serrenti, A. (2009). Improving critical thinking using web based argument mapping exercises with automated feedback. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 25, 268-291.
Gold, I., & Gold, J. (2009). The Truman Show delusion. British Journal of Psychiatry eletter, 8 June.
Gold, I., Gold, J. (2009). The Truman Show syndrome: The impact of environment on psychosis. Practical Reviews: Psychiatry, 35(6), recording. Oakstone Medical Publishing.
Gold, I., & Kirmayer, L. (2007). Cultural psychiatry on Wakefield’s procrustean bed. World Psychiatry, 6(3), 165-166.
Selected Books and Book Chapters
Kirmayer, L., & Gold, I. (in press). Re-socializing psychiatry: Critical neuroscience and the limits of reductionism. In S. Choudhury, & J. Slaby (Eds.), Critical Neuroscience: Challenging Reductionism in Social Neuroscience and Psychiatry. Oxford: Blackwell.
Gold, I., & Gold, J. (in press). No mind is an island: Madness, society, and the limits of neuroscience. New York: Free Press.
Gold, I. (2010). Philosophical psychology. In G. Oppy, & N. Trakakis (Eds.), A companion to philosophy in Australia and New Zealand. Melbourne: Monash ePress.
Gold, I., & Gold, J. (2010). Tweet me nice. The Edge Annual Question. http://www.edge.org/q2010/q10_12.html#gold. Reprinted In J. Brockman (Ed.) 2011. Is the internet changing the way you think?: The net’s impact on our minds and future. New York: Harper Collins.
Chirimuuta, M., & Gold, I. (2009). The embedded neuron, the enactive field? In J. Bickle (Ed.), Oxford handbook of philosophy and neuroscience (pp. 200-225). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Gold, I., & Roskies, A. (2008). Philosophy of neuroscience. In M. Ruse (Ed.), Oxford companion to the philosophy of biology (pp. 349-380). Oxford: Oxford University Press.