Andrea Tone, Ph.D. has been at McGill since 2004 and holds the Canada Research Chair in the Social History of Medicine. A historian by training, she has joint appointments in the Departments of Social Studies of Medicine and History in the Faculties of Medicine and Arts, and an associate position in the Division of Transcultural Psychiatry in McGill’s Department of Psychiatry. Her scholarship explores the histories of women and health, psychiatry, psychopharmacology, and patient experience. She is currently working on a project funded by a grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research on the CIA and Cold War Psychiatry. Her research has been featured on ABC, CBC, PBS, the History Channel, and National Public Radio. In 2011, she received the American Psychiatric Association’s 2011 Benjamin Rush Award for her contributions to the history of psychiatry.
Selected Books
2009. The Age of Anxiety: A History of America’s Turbulent Affair with Tranquilizers. Basic Books.
2007. Andrea Tone and Elizabeth Siegel Watkins, eds., Medicating Modern America: Prescription Drugs in History. New York University Press.
2001. Devices and Desires: A History of Contraceptives in America. Hill & Wang.