Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry

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The Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry is a network of scholars and clinicians within the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, devoted to promoting research, training and consultation in social and cultural psychiatry.

The broad themes of research and training conducted by members of the Division include:

Social Psychiatry

  • psychiatric epidemiology
  • social determinants of mental health
  • community mental health
  • psychiatry in primary care
  • evaluation of mental health services
  • global mental health

Cultural Psychiatry

  • mental health of indigenous peoples
  • immigrant and refugee mental health
  • ethnopsychology and ethnopsychiatry
  • Indigenous healing systems
  • responding to diversity in mental health care
  • anthropology of psychiatry


The Division is home to several programs related to social and cultural psychiatry:


For more about the history of the Division, see here

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