SP0031: Materials Analysis Tool

Status: COMPLETED February 2011 - December 2013

McGill University’s Materials Analysis Tool (MAT) was a free online ranking system that distills manufacturer information to assist in the selection of building products that are more cost effective, healthy and environmentally responsible.

MAT was developed by McGill University's University Services as a short-cut through the mountains of information provided by manufacturers to designers about their products. MAT was not a certification for products, but was rather a database of manufacturer information seen through the lens of sustainability and a way for McGill University staff and contractors to choose products that best reflect the values of the University.

Over the next 5 years the volume of construction and renovation projects on McGill campuses will likely exceed $100 million per year, with the potential of being as high as $120 million per year. As a rule of thumb, approximately 50% of the cost of renovation, and 60% of the cost of new construction is associated to the purchase of construction materials, making McGill University a very important consumer of such products. MAT went a long way in assisting our staff and contractors, as well as those at similar institutions, to select materials that are healthier and more sustainable. This will also made an important statement about the desirability of these kinds of products within the market for building materials.

Although the website is now shut down, for further information concerning this project, or to get in touch with its members, please contact the krista.houser [at] mcgill.ca (SPF Administration Team).


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