How does it work?
The Work Study program provides students in financial need with job opportunities on and around campus. Students apply independently in Minerva to be Work Study eligible. Student Aid decisions are displayed on the student’s Minerva application and are accessible to the student only. Students have the ability to produce a Work Study Confirmation letter to share with prospective employers, valid for 30 days and with the ability to reproduce as needed. Accepted students apply for jobs that interest them by contacting you directly. Students must apply for Work Study approval each year.
The program offers subsidies to Affiliate Organizations such (e.g. SSMU, MUHC, CKUT) - when a Work Study eligible student is hired in a Work Study eligible job and the Affiliate Organization has approved hours for the Academic Year and Term the student(s) worked.
Employers from Affiliate Organizations will need to request subsidy hours for the Academic Year by Term for all positions intended for Work Study eligible students. Employers will submit a request using the Supervisor from Affiliate Organization Request form. This will need to be done at the beginning of each Academic year in order to be entitled to receive subsidy hours eligible for reimbursement.
Find out more
Requirements for Affiliate Organizations
Submitting an application to participate in the Work Study Program
For all questions regarding the Work Study Program, please contact the [at] (Work Study team).