Important Dates
For a list of important dates for the Fall and Winter terms, please visit the Key Academic Dates website.
**inquiries should be sent to ONE email address only and must be sent from your McGill email address. Please include your McGill ID number and the major and/or minor that you are/will be studying.**
Department Chief Advisor: Professor advisor.mathstat [at] (Armel Kelome) (advisor.mathstat [at]
Department Program Advisor/Administrator: ugrad.mathstat [at] (Mrs. Lori Hurdle) (ugrad.mathstat [at]
- Year 0 Advising
- Course registration
- Course planning
- Course Equivalencies
- Degree audits/Graduation confirmation
- Graduate Studies Inquiries
- Remote General Advising
- Remote Drop-in for quick advising questions
- Math Programs in the Faculty of Management
Year 0 Advising
Please note that Year 0 students are advised by Faculty advisors:
Course registration
Engineering Students:
- For students trying to register for MATH 133, MATH 140, MATH 141, MATH 240, MATH 262, MATH 263, MATH 264 and MATH 271, students must complete a Course Authorization Form (requests submitted to the Math/Stats Department will not be accepted as students must go through the McGill Engineering Student Centre - MESC).
- For all other MATH courses, please complete the Department of Mathematics and Statistics Course Authorization Form. To allow time for processing, this form closes Jan. 14th, 2025 at noon.
All other students: New for W2025 – students must complete the Department of Mathematics and Statistics Course Authorization Form, email requests will no longer be accepted.
Important Dates
For a list of important dates for the Fall and Winter terms, please visit the Key Academic Dates website.
Course planning for 2024/2025 (for non-graduating students)
Due to the high volume of requests we are receiving any requests sent after NOON on Sept. 9th, 2024 may not be responded to until after add/drop.
We will review your course plan for the 2024/2025 academic year only. Please send an email to Lori.Hurdle [at] with your name/ID/list of course numbers by term. Please also indicate when you plan to graduate. This can only be done when the schedule for 2024/2025 is available in MINERVA so that you can ensure that there aren't any course conflicts. Have you requested to transfer? Please let us know to which Faculty and program.
For students who are completing programs like Major Statistics and Computer Science (B. Sc.); we will only review the Statistics portion of your program. Students will need to contact the persons responsible for the other portion of their program.
Students in Major Biology & Mathematics need to contact nancy.nelson [at] (Nancy Nelson).
**Students can include a screenshot of VSB, but you must save the file as either Fall 2024 and/or Winter 2025.*
This process will take a minimum of 3 business days. During peak times, this may take longer (May/June/August/September/January).
Course Equivalencies
Requests for course equivalencies must be processed through the Course Equivalency System. Email requests cannot be reviewed. Please note that if a course at another university has already been deemed equivalent to a course at McGill, it cannot be evaluated for another McGill course.
Degree audits/Graduation confirmation (recommended to complete but not mandatory**)
-only 1 per student
As of Fall 2023, requests for a degree audit will be reviewed by completing the Degree Audit Form only (email requests will not be accepted). You can only access the form while logged into your McGill account.
Students need to apply for graduation on Minerva.
**Please be aware that students are not required to complete this form. If you choose not to complete this form, it does not stop you from graduating provided that you have satisfied the degree/minor requirements.**
Fall 2024 graduates
Form is now closed (was available until September 2nd, 2024 11:45PM). We will not make exceptions for late requests.
- Dec. 2nd, 2024: deadline to apply to graduate in Minerva
- Feb. 8th, 2025: students can see comments on Minerva (graduation module)
- Feb. 12th, 2025: approval of degrees by Senate
- Feb. 13th, 2025: view "Degree Granted" on transcript
Winter 2025 graduates
If are you are expecting to graduate this Winter 2025, please complete this MSForm. Deadline to apply is January 6th, 2025 12:00pm. Please note that the sooner you complete the form, the sooner you can receive a response.
- March 3rd, 2025: deadline to apply to graduate in Minerva
- April 1st, 2025: students can see comments on Minerva (graduation module)
- May 22th, 2025: approval of degrees by Senate
- May 23nd, 2025: view "Degree Granted" on transcript
Computer Science (major/minor) and Software Engineering (BA or BSc): we will require a degree audit from your Department (screen shots of MyProgress/Minerva are not accepted). For instructions please visit - Graduation. If you do not have this document - please only complete this form when you do (if submitted without this document your submission will be deleted). Please submit the required document as a PDF only.
Minor in Management: Please submit the minor approval form to advisor.mathstat [at] (Prof. Kelome) so that he may review your courses to ensure that you have satisfied (or will satisfy) the minor requirements. Prof. Kelome will respond to both you and your Faculty so that they have a record of his decision.
Summer 2025 graduates
Form will be available end of February/beginning of March 2025.
- Please do not make changes to your Math/Stats courses while your degree audit is under review.
- This process takes a minimum of 12-15 business days (not including holidays). During peak times, this may take longer (May/June/August/September/January).
Graduate Studies Inquiries
Students interest in pursuing graduate studies at McGill need to contact grad.mathstat [at] (Jason Stillman) or can view the Graduate Studies website.
If you wish to pursue graduate studies at another university, you will need to contact them directly.
Remote General Advising
Students (Year 1-Year 3) can book appointments through MSBookings. If you don't see an available slot for a specific advisor, it means the advisor is either booked or the availability is in more than 7 days. Please try again at a later date.
Appointments for course registration, course planning, course equivalencies, degree audit/graduation confirmation, will be automatically cancelled so that students can follow the correct process (see side-menu).
Remote Drop-in for quick advising questions
The following advising is not done during Drop-in: course registration, course planning, course equivalencies, degree audit/graduation confirmation, graduate school inquiries. Please see side-menu for details/information.
January 7th, 2025 - April 10th, 2025:
- Tuesdays (remote): 3:00pm-4:00pm Zoom link (students will be let in one at a time for confidentiality purposes).
- Thursdays (remote): 2:00pm-3:00pm Zoom link (students will be let in one at a time for confidentiality purposes).
Cancelled: February 13, 2025
Math Programs in the Faculty of Management
Students should first reach out to marcella.casella [at] (Marcella Casella).
Advising in General
You can find a list of advisors at Fall 2024 advisors.
Many sources of information are available to you in planning your academic program, exploring career opportunities, and clarifying policies and procedures. This document has been prepared as a reference and a guide and not as a substitute for personal contact between yourself and your academic advisor.
You are strongly encouraged to meet with your Academic advisor before registering for courses using MINERVA (McGill's Automated Registration System) and during the course of the academic year. If you are unable to meet with an advisor prior to registering for your courses, you should make an appointment at the beginning of your first semester here at McGill to ensure that you are on the right track.
Seeing your academic advisor annually is a good idea, but going very much out of fashion. Sometimes advisors know of fixes to situations that students are not aware of. For example in Arts and Science, a student's academic advisor has the discretionary power to make up to six credits of substitutions in the student's program. If the student does not have an advisor, this option is not open. Some students who have not seen an academic advisor make horrendous errors in course selection.
There are three primary sources of help and information available to students at McGill: your academic advisor, advisors in the Student Affairs Office and peer advisors.
Departmental / Program Advisors
Departmental Program Advisors are responsible for advising all incoming Arts and Science students (90 to 120 credit degree) and provide the general advising to all undergraduate students. Their function is to assist you in the proper selection of courses so that you may develop the academic program most suitable to your educational needs and consistent with the academic requirements of the university.
Student Affairs Office
Advisors in the Student Affairs Office provide the following general academic information and advice:
- Prerequisites & programs
- Procedures for withdrawal
- Course changes
- Rereads
- Deferred & supplemental exams
- Second programs/degrees
- Academic standing and readmission
- Faculty transfer
- Transfer credits
- Exchange or study away
Faculty advisors are located in the Student Affairs Office in Dawson Hall on the ground floor (OASIS for Arts students) and the 4th floor (SOUSA for Science students). Office hours are 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., Monday to Friday. If you wish to make an appointment with a Faculty advisor any time during the year, please contact the Student Affairs Office in person or by telephone. If you don't know where to go for your particular problem, ask someone in the Student Affairs Office in Dawson Hall. If they can help you, they will, otherwise, they will at the very least point you in the right direction.