Updated: Wed, 10/02/2024 - 13:45

From Saturday, Oct. 5 through Monday, Oct. 7, the Downtown and Macdonald Campuses will be open only to McGill students, employees and essential visitors. Many classes will be held online. Remote work required where possible. See Campus Public Safety website for details.

Du samedi 5 octobre au lundi 7 octobre, le campus du centre-ville et le campus Macdonald ne seront accessibles qu’aux étudiants et aux membres du personnel de l’Université McGill, ainsi qu’aux visiteurs essentiels. De nombreux cours auront lieu en ligne. Le personnel devra travailler à distance, si possible. Voir le site Web de la Direction de la protection et de la prévention pour plus de détails.


COL 615 - Web Conferencing - Webex Events

Friday, October 27, 2023 10:00to12:30

NOTE: Due to the pandemic, this course will be held remotely, via Webex or MS Teams. You will be provided information on how to attend once you register.

Target audience: McGill instructors, teaching assistants and staff 
Prerequisites: Familiarity with Microsoft Outlook Calendar, you must have Cisco Productivity Tools software installed (see Webex (web conferencing) for download instructions)
Duration: 2.5 hours
Course format: Workshop

This training will focus on the procedures for setting up and delivering web-based virtual events through Cisco Webex events.

Webex Events can be used to host large group events, such as Town Halls, webinars or conferences, where remote participants will be primarily listening, rather than collaborating. Functionality is similar to Webex Meetings, but there are additional features to control participant interaction, such as Q & A, polling, and ability to unmute/mute participant mics.

Webex Events also provides a self-registration web form, allowing people both within McGill and externals to register for the event.

For more information about the course content, please visit article Webex courses in the IT Knowledge Base.

To register for this course, please visit the Microsoft Bookings registration page.

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