IPN Fellowship Top-Up Policy

Top-up policy for fellowship recipients (as of Fall 2024)


Students are expected to apply for competitive fellowships as these strengthen your CV and provide important financial support for your host lab. As an added incentive and in recognition of your success in these competitions, IPN expects supervisors to provide top-ups that bring your stipend above the mandated IPN minimum stipends. Top-up amounts should be no less than the following:

Awards < living allowance:

Students receive IPN minimum living allowance + tuition/fees/insurance + 10% of the value of the studentship.


Awards ≥ living allowance and <$40,000:

​​​​​​​Students receive their full award + tuition/fees/insurance + 10% the value of the award. 


Awards ≥$40,000 and <$50,000:

Students receive their full award + tuition/fees/insurance. 


Awards ≥$50,000:

​​​​​​​Students receive their full award + differential tuition fees if international student (covered by IPN or GPS).







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