Selected Publications – Monica Molinaro
Molinaro ML, Shen K, Agarwal G, Inglis G, Vanstone M. 2023. Family physicians’ moral distress when caring for patients experiencing social inequities: a critical narrative inquiry in primary care. British Journal of General Practice.
Vanstone M, Correia RH, Howard M, Darling E, Bayrampour H, Andrea Carruthers A, Davis A, Hadid D, Hetherington E, Jones A, Kandasamy S, Kuyvenhoven C, Liauw J, McDonald SD, Mniszak C, Molinaro ML, Pahwa M, Patel T, Sadik M, Sanya N, Shen K, Greyson D. 2023. How do perceptions of Covid-19 risk impact pregnancy-related health decisions? A convergent parallel mixed-methods study protocol. PLoS One.
Cheng A, Molinaro ML, Ott M, Cristancho S, LaDonna K. 2023. Set up to fail? Barriers impeding resident communication training in neonatal intensive care units. Academic Medicine. [Epub ahead of print].
Vanstone M, Cavanagh A, Molinaro ML, Connelly C, Bell A, Mountjoy M, Whyte R, Grierson L. 2023. How medical learners and educators decide what counts as mistreatment: A qualitative study. Medical Education. [Epub ahead of print].
Molinaro ML, Polzer J, Laliberte Rudman D, Savundranayagam M. 2023. “I can't be the nurse I want to be”: Counter-stories of moral distress in nurses' narratives of pediatric oncology caregiving. Social Science & Medicine. 320:115677.
Molinaro ML, Cheng A, Cristancho S, LaDonna K. 2021. Drawing on experience: Exploring the pedagogical possibilities of using rich pictures in health professions education. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 26(5):1519-1535.
Polzer J, Cayen L, Molinaro ML. 2020. The shifting politics of cervical cancer prevention in Canada: An intersectional analysis of Papanicolaou (Pap) screening and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination. In Tremblay, M. and Everitt, J. (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Canadian Politics. (pp.485-506). Palgrave.
Molinaro ML, Evans M, Regnault TRH, de Vrijer B. 2020. Translating developmental origins of health and disease in practice: Health care providers’ perspectives. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 12(3):1-7.
Molinaro ML, Fletcher PC. 2019. “There is no before cancer…There is only cancer.” Perceived Late Effects of Pediatric Cancer on Survivors. Cancer Nursing, 43(6): 1-14.
McGrath C, Molinaro ML, Sheldrake EJ, Laliberte Rudman D, Astell A. 2019. A protocol paper on the preservation of identity: Understanding the technology adoption patterns of older adults with age-related vision loss (ARVL). International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18:1-18.
Molinaro ML, Fletcher PC. 2018. Taking lemons and making lemonade: Post-traumatic growth from pediatric cancer. Clinical Nurse Specialist. 32(5):268-278.
Molinaro ML, Fletcher PC. 2018. The balancing act: Mothers’ experiences of providing care to their children with cancer. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 35(6):439-446.
Molinaro ML, Rollo LE, Fletcher PC, Schneider MA. 2018. Having a sibling with ASD: Perspectives of siblings and their parents. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing. 43(1):35-47.
Molinaro ML, Fletcher PC. 2017. “It changed everything. And not all in a bad way.”: Reflections of Pediatric Cancer Experiences. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 40(3): 157-172. DOI:
Molinaro ML, Fletcher PC, Bryden PJ. 2017. “I just miss her. I just need her here.” Life after cancer. Journal of Adult Development. 24(3):210-215.
Molinaro ML, Fletcher PC, Bryden PJ. 2017. “This is. That was.” Examining a family’s lived experience after a cancer diagnosis. Journal of Adult Development. 24(4):287-294.
Molinaro ML, Fletcher PC. 2017. Who is a survivor? Perceptions from individuals who experienced pediatric cancer and their primary support persons. Supportive Care in Cancer. 26:1113-1122.
Molinaro ML, Fletcher PC. 2016. “As long as you need me I’m yours.” Caregiving for a pediatric cancer survivor. Clinical Nursing Studies. 4(4): 23-30.