Online sessions

The 14th annual Health & Wellness Fair is from October 21 - 25, 2024. The fair is in a hybrid format, with a one day on-campus event and online sessions throughout the rest of the week.

For a list view of the events, click here. All workshops listed below are online. 



OCT. 21


OCT. 22


OCT. 23


OCT. 24


OCT. 25

11 AM - 11:45 AM Healthy Sleep for a Healthy You

Our Microbial Self: The Importance of the Microbiome to Human Health

On Campus Health and Wellness Fair - see details here. No virtual programming on this day.

Energizing Active Walk on Mount Royal (In-Person)

Understanding Retirement Income Sources and the Power of Early Savings

12 PM - 1 PM

Understanding the Health Benefits of Social Connection 

Five Ways to Share the Mental Load in a Partnership 

Can women enjoy menopause? Yes! Meals in a Jar: Hands on cooking demonstration!
1:15 PM - 2 PM

Planning your Life Outside of Work

Money Milestones at every Stage of Life

Men’s Mental Health: Promoting Well-being, Resilience and Action

Virtual Panel about Online Safety for the Kids in your Life (and yourself) (Online) - this workshop is 60 minutes.


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