Target Audience: All staff and students who require the use of a reusable elastomeric respirator while performing activities at McGill University. This course provides Respiratory Protection Training and Quantitative Fit Testing for reusable full-face and half-face respirators, using a machine to measure the leakage into a respirator.
Training: Training: You can view the Elastomeric Reusable Half-face and Full-face Respirator Online Course & Exam. Once you have viewed the training video and completed the quiz, you may register for an in-person Fit Test using the registration steps below. Note that using the McGill VPN is required when accessing the online course and exam while off campus. Consult IT Services for questions regarding the use of the VPN.
Duration: Online training video - 20 minutes (excludes examination time); In-person fit test - 2 hours
Certification: Training and Fit Test results are valid for 2 years.
Cost: $125 for an in-person Fit Test, payable by FOAPAL. Students must reach out to their department administration so that the department may provide the FOPAL directly to rpp.ehs [at]
In-person fit test location: 3610 McTavish, room 430
Note: Do not buy/purchase any equipment prior to attending the Fit Test. EHS has 3M reusable respirators available for fit testing. If you have a different make, it may not be possible to have your respirator fit-tested.
Registration steps:
- McGill students, staff and faculty must complete the online course and exam using the EHS Safety Training System - Web Training.
- Once you have successfully passed the exam (80%), you may register for a Quantitative Fit Test for a Reusable Respirator
- You must complete the
Health Validation Form /
Validation santé and return it to rpp.ehs [at] (subject: Health%20Validation%20Form) before your Fit Test appointment. Note that if ‘Yes’ is answered to any of the questions in Section 2, then the user must have Section 3 completed by a physician before EHS is able to fit test you.
Quantitative Fit Test
Note that the below sessions are for fit tests for reusable full-face and half-face masks only. EHS also offers Qualitative Fit Tests for N95 respirators.
NOTE: If you can’t attend your scheduled fit test session, you must formally cancel a minimum of 48 hours prior to the course's scheduled time to avoid a charge to your FOAPAL.
Please ensure that you complete the registration steps above before registering for a Fit Test. If you register for a Fit Test before successfully passing the online course and exam, your registration will be cancelled.
Fit test dates are available via Microsoft Bookings using the link above. If you have issues finding an available date, please rpp.ehs [at] (email the Respiratory Protection Program).