Recognizing that President Trump’s style of leadership is not easily slotted into the traditional categories, some writers have coined a new term to describe it, divert-autocracy, and cite Desautels Professor Henry Mintzberg along the way.

They argue that a divert-autocracy stands in stark contrast to organizational theory, as described by Professor Mintzberg.

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Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, Strategy & Organization
Published on: 18 Apr 2018

Dr. Jean-Pierre Després, Professor of Kinesiology at Université Laval and pioneer in developing screening techniques for visceral obesity, was presented with the 2018 Manulife Prize for the Promotion of Active Health at a breakfast hosted my Manulife and in collaboration with the McGill Centre for the Convergence of Health and Economics (MCCHE) on April 10, 2018.

Professor Després hopes that this prize will help bridge the gap between sound scientific research and the practice of healthy living.

Classified as: Manulife Prize, McGill Centre for the Convergence of Health and Economics
Published on: 16 Apr 2018

With the growing demands of modern life, not everyone can commit the time or money to pursuing a full-time MBA.

According to Eric Saine, Executive Director of the McGill Executive Institute, this is where the MEI comes in, offering a flexible business education portfolio, such as its popular Mini-MBA program, to suit the needs of today’s learners.

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Classified as: McGill Executive Institute, Executive Education, Mini-MBA
Published on: 16 Apr 2018

Almost one year since the Bensadoun Family Foundation announced the landmark gift to McGill University of $25 million, the proposed Bensadoun School of Retail Management has received official approval from the University as of March.

According to Professor Saibal Ray, Academic Director of the Bensadoun Retail Initiative, “We see ourselves as having a unique opportunity to do something on a global level that can differentiate us.

Classified as: Saibal Ray, Bensadoun School of Retail Management, Aldo Bensadoun
Published on: 16 Apr 2018

BCom student Geneviève Côté shares with The McGill Reporter the sights and learnings that dazzled her on this year’s Hot Cities of the World Tour led by Professor Karl Moore.

On the itinerary this year were Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Langkawi.

Classified as: Hot Cities of the World Tour, Karl Moore, Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Published on: 16 Apr 2018

Professor Karl Moore sat down with PBS Mountain Lake to chat about some of his favorite topics, including the latest edition of his popular Hot Cities of the World Tour, the U.S. and Canada trade relations, and the Quebec-based aerospace and rail manufacturer, Bombardier.

Classified as: Hot Cities of the World Tour, Karl Moore, Strategy & Organization
Published on: 16 Apr 2018

Hosted by the Desautels Faculty of Management’s Suzanne Gagnon, the Co-LEAD Montreal workshop will bring 40 management and public administration scholars from Canada, the US, Europe, Israel, Australia and New Zealand to the Faculty from May 1-3, 2018.

Classified as: Suzanne Gagnon, Organizational Behaviour, Centre for Strategy Studies in Organizations (CSSO)
Published on: 13 Apr 2018

The 33rd International Conference on Narrative will be held at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada from April 18 – 22, 2018.

The International Society for the Study of Narrative (ISSN) sponsors this international conference each year.

In her role as Conference organizer, Professor Lindsay Holmgren invites the Desautels Community to attend the Panels and Talks hosted at the Desautels Faculty of Management.

Classified as: Lindsay Holmgren, 2018 International Conference on Narrative
Published on: 13 Apr 2018

Three young entrepreneurs, including Yassine Chaabi (BCom’16), are the creative minds behind Spotfields, an innovative app that unites Montreal soccer players of all levels and helps them form teams and compete.

With already 200 subscribers, Spotfields is taking all the questions out of finding a team and a venue at which to play, making the thrill of soccer more accessible to all.

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Classified as: Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), BCom Alumni
Published on: 12 Apr 2018

IMPM participant Dr Abbas Gullet, Vice President of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and Secretary-General of Kenya Red Cross Society, is one of two laureates of the 2017 North-South Prize of the Council of Europe.

This award honors individuals who have dedicated their lives to promote humanitarian work and foster human solidarity.

Abbas graduated from Cycle 1 of the IMPM.

Classified as: International Masters Program for Managers (IMPM)
Published on: 12 Apr 2018

Guy Gervais (EMBA’13), co-founder of Anges Québec, belongs to a group of likeminded investors around the world who are looking to advance emerging social enterprises.

In an article for Les Affaires, he shares what key aspects he looks for before he commits to supporting a socially conscious startup.

For Gervais, his evaluation methods are just as rigorous as those applied when investing in a more traditional business.

Classified as: McGill-HEC Executive MBA (EMBA), McGill-HEC Montreal Executive MBA (EMBA), EMBA Alumni
Published on: 12 Apr 2018

A feature in La Presse explores local MBA programs that have set themselves apart for adapting to the needs of emerging student populations.

Among the list is the McGill-HEC EMBA program. Catering to business professionals with at least 10 years of experience, the program allow participants to apply their learnings at work in real time.

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Classified as: McGill-HEC Executive MBA (EMBA), McGill-HEC Montreal Executive MBA (EMBA)
Published on: 11 Apr 2018

Diane Romaine, IMHL’18 candidate, has been a strong advocate for adult dental care in her state of Maryland and it has recently paid off with the Maryland General Assembly unanimously passing a motion to include adult dental coverage in its Medicaid plan (formally referred to as:  SB 284 –Maryland Medical Assistance Program – Dental Coverage for Adults – Pilot Program).

Classified as: International Masters for Health Leadership (IMHL)
Published on: 11 Apr 2018

Professor Steve Fortin, Associate Dean Masters Programs at the Desautels Faculty of Management, sat down with La Presse to discuss the hot topic of rankings, touching on what the influencing factors are, and why it is not always the most reliable way to evaluate the quality of a business school.

For 2018, the Financial Times Global MBA Ranking placed the Desautels MBA program as #1 in Canada and #78 in the world.

Classified as: Masters of Business Administration (MBA), Steve Fortin, Financial Times, FT Global MBA Rankings
Published on: 11 Apr 2018

As Executive Director and Head of Secretariat at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Next Einstein Initiative, Thierry Zomahoun (EMBA’11) and the Next Einstein Forum (presently the largest general scientific gathering ever held in Africa) are actively working to increase the local impact of science to overcome the persistent challenges that have devastated the continent over history. 

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Classified as: McGill-HEC Executive MBA (EMBA), McGill-HEC Montreal Executive MBA (EMBA), EMBA Alumni
Published on: 11 Apr 2018


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