« Le système a permis d’assurer une stabilité dans les prix. Les producteurs savent combien ils vont recevoir pour leur sirop », estime Pascal Thériault, professeur à la faculté des sciences de l’agriculture et de l’environnement de l’Université McGill. Il y a actuellement 62 millions de livres de sirop dans le principal entrepôt, situé à Laurierville. « La réserve stratégique mondiale permettrait de couvrir une mauvaise saison », précise l’économiste Pascal Thériault.

Classified as: Macdonald Campus, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Maple syprup
Published on: 16 Feb 2016


Worried about Zika? CTV Montreal talked to the Morgan Arboretum's Christopher Cloutier, mosquito expert from McGill University.

CTV News video


Classified as: Macdonald Campus, mosquitoes, Moragn Arboretum, Chris Cloutier
Published on: 16 Feb 2016

Businesses start in many ways, and Andrea Courey didn’t know that she was going to have a business of her own. In 1997, Andrea lost her job and was raising three children as a single mother. In the face of this adversity Andrea asked herself how she was going to provide for her family – what was she “good at and what did she know how to do?”

Classified as: Entrepreneurial Leadership Seminar Series
Published on: 3 Feb 2016


The sun was out, the saws were out and our Woodsmen teams performed fabulously over the weekend. Thanks to all on campus and the many alumni who helped make the 56th annual Woodsmen Competition a success.

Classified as: Macdonald Campus, Woodsmen competition, Woodsmen, Lumberjacks, Lumberjills
Published on: 26 Jan 2016


"It doesn't mean there's no life on Mars, but what it does mean is it's going to be harder to find," said Jacqueline Goordial, the McGill University researcher who led the study, in an interview with Rachelle Solomon on CBC's Breakaway.

Classified as: Mars, Antarctic, Arctic, lyle whyte, Life on Mars, Jacqueline Goordial
Published on: 25 Jan 2016

Failure to find active microbes in coldest Antarctic soils has implications for search for life on Mars

Natural Resource Sciences professor Lyle Whyte and postdoctoral fellow Jackie Goordial talk about their research which suggests that it is unlikely that it is unlikely that there is any microbial life to be found on Mars.

Classified as: NASA, Mars, Antarctic, Arctic, lyle whyte, science and technology, microbial life, permafrost soil, Phoenix landing site, ecosystem
Published on: 19 Jan 2016


Scientists say it's time to declare a new geological epoch, one defined by human activity and the permanent mark it has left on the earth.

McGill Professor Peter Brown, director of Economics for the Anthropocene, is featured on CBC Radio News.


Related article



Classified as: Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Macdonald Campus, Peter G. Brown, Anthropocene, Economics for the Anthropocene
Published on: 11 Jan 2016

Drought and extreme heat events slashed cereal harvests in recent decades by 9% to 10% on average in affected countries – and the impact of these weather disasters was greatest in the developed nations of North America, Europe and Australasia, according to a new study led by researchers from McGill University and the University of British Columbia.

Classified as: Sustainability, nature, farming, food and sustainability, drought, cereal, weather disaster, Navin Ramankutty, Pedram Rowhani
Published on: 6 Jan 2016


The results of a recent experiment at the Canadian Light Source (CLS) synchrotron in Saskatoon could be a key piece in the quest to discover if there was ever life on Mars.

Lyle Whyte, an environmental microbiologist at McGill University who is originally from Saskatchewan, specializes in organisms that can survive in extreme cold.

Read article in the Saskatoon StarPhoenix


Classified as: Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, lyle whyte, Life on Mars
Published on: 21 Dec 2015

Maple syrup that’s good for you? A frozen dessert that you can store at room temperature? A falafel-type mix made with insects? Salwa Karboune and her students are dreaming up tomorrow’s foods today.

Classified as: Salwa Karboune, foods of the future, food science research
Published on: 16 Dec 2015

Before that beautiful salmon filet lands on your plate, a lot of less appetizing stuff gets stripped away: By one estimate, the global seafood industry produces 64 million metric tons of waste each year. A new study suggests a potentially sweeter fate for all those heads and guts: They can be turned into a coal-like substance called hydrochar, which could be used as fuel or added to soil to improve fertility and sequester carbon (Energy Fuels 2015, DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b01671).

Classified as: bioresource engineering, biofuel, seafood waste, Shrikalaa Kannan, turning waste into biofuel
Published on: 16 Dec 2015

Crown Royal Northern Harvest Rye has been selected as the 2016 Whisky of the Year by Jim Murray, author of Whisky Bible. Northern Harvest Rye's inventor turns out to be Joanna Zanin Scandella, a Macdonald graduate who has spent her whole career in blending and production planning at Diageo's lab (formerly Seagram's) in Lasalle, QC.

Read article in Financial Post/watch videos

Published on: 16 Dec 2015

Christmas is just under two weeks away, so if you haven't picked out a tree yet, the clock is ticking. [CTV News Montreal] asked David Wees from the Plant Science Department of McGill University for some tips on what to look for.

Read article/watch video

Classified as: plant science, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, david wees, choosing a Christmas tree
Published on: 15 Dec 2015

The University of Toronto, McGill University  [BioFuelNet - Don Smith] and the International Air Transport Association are also part of the project as members of the BioFuelNet Aviation Task Force. Funding is coming from the Green Aviation Research and Development Network, which gets its support from the federal government and Canada’s aerospace sector.

Read more in  The Toronto Star


Classified as: Research, Macdonald Campus, plant science, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Donald Smith, . BioFuelNet, green fuel
Published on: 11 Dec 2015

Chaque année, des millions de poussins mâles, jugés sans valeur par l'industrie des poules pondeuses, sont euthanasiés dès leur sortie de l'oeuf. Une pratique que l'Allemagne veut cesser d'ici 2017, et à laquelle une mystérieuse invention de l'Université McGill pourrait mettre fin....Au Québec, l'Université McGill planche aussi secrètement sur une technologie semblable.

Classified as: Research, bioresource engineering, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Michael Ngadi, chickens
Published on: 11 Dec 2015


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