Students with Disabilities

Over the years, CaPS has worked in collaboration with the Student Accessibility & Achievement to offer a wide variety of services with regard to career exploration and job search strategies.

We continue to hold panel discussions with employers and employees with disabilities from a variety of industries. These are excellent opportunities to talk to professionals about their career paths and job opportunities. We also regularly participate in discussion groups held by the Student Accessibility & Achievement on various job search topics.

CaPS has a designated advisor for students with disabilities. If you have any questions related to career exploration, job search strategies or have a specific question such as, “when and how should I disclose my disability?”, please make an appointment with the Career Advisor, Susan Ajersch at careers.caps [at]


The following websites list information and services to students with disabilities.

"Taking charge of ADHD during the job search" infographicPDF icon Taking charge of ADHD during the job search





Please note that CaPS and McGill do not endorse any particular websites/services; the listing is for your information only.
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