Kit Chokly

Kit is a Canada Graduate Scholarships Doctoral Award holder, a 2022 Thomlinson Scholar, and doctoral student in Communication Studies. Working under the supervision of Dr. Carrie Rentschler, his research explores digital sociotechnical infrastructure and its relation to online trans spaces. He is especially interested in the formation of spaces which present alternatives to mainstream trans representation and visibility politics—and their frequently “weird” aesthetics.

Prior to beginning his doctoral studies at McGill, Kit received his Bachelor of Communication and Media Studies in 2020 at Carleton University, where he was presented the Governor General’s Undergraduate Academic Medal and the Communication Studies Honours Research Essay Award for his bachelor’s thesis under the supervision of Dr. Liam Young. They received their Master of Communication Studies in 2022 also from Carleton University, where they wrote their SSHRC-funded master’s thesis, Trans*mediation: Exploring Trans Experience Beyond the Mirror of Representation. This work, supervised by Dr. Sheryl Hamilton, is the foundation of their current research.

Alongside his studies, Kit currently works as a Research Assistant and User Interface and Experience Designer for the Transgender Media Portal with Dr. Laura Horak, a project which works to document and support trans, Two Spirit, nonbinary, intersex, and gender-nonconforming film and video artists.

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