
McGill embraces sustainable procurement

McGill Reporter | May 4, 2015

When McGill adopted its first Procurement Policy in spring 2013, it gave Procurement Services the mandate to establish a culture of sustainable procurement practices at McGill and in its wider community.

Read the full story here.

Published: 12 May 2015

Clean ride mapper: Cycling the less polluted routes

The McGill Reporter | April 15, 2015

By: Katherine Gombay 

Cyclists in Montreal and Toronto can now choose the least polluted routes to get around their cities thanks to an online tool developed at McGill. 

Published: 28 Apr 2015

Aboriginal students, staff at McGill University call for more recognition

CBC News | April 23, 2015

Kakwiranoron Cook, McGill's aboriginal outreach administrator, would like to see the university put up a more noticeable monument.

Read the full story here.

Published: 25 Apr 2015

McGill prof Chris Ragan: We need smart tolls on our bridges

McGill Reporter | April 20, 2015

by: Doug Sweet

Published: 24 Apr 2015

McGill Geography Chair Jeffrey Wells: Cold carbon conservation' is important in fighting climate change

Montreal Gazette | April 22, 2015

by: Jeffrey Wells

We were heartened last week to see leaders of Canada’s provincial and territorial governments meet in Quebec City to seek real solutions to the runaway problem of carbon pollution. 

Published: 24 Apr 2015

Divest McGill takes home Catalyst prize at annual awards event

The McGill Reporter | Apr 16, 2015

by: McGill Reporter Staff

The Divest McGill group, which is conducting a campaign to persuade the University to divest from companies associated with the production of fossil fuels, was one of the winners of the Catalyst Awards handed out on April 13, at the fifth annual Office of Sustainability event held at the Faculty Club.  

Published: 16 Apr 2015

GES : McGill a réduit ses émissions de près du tiers depuis 2002

The McGill Reporter | April 15, 2015

By: Julie Fortier

Au cours des prochaines semaines, McGill entreprendra un important projet de modernisation de son système de distribution d’énergie au campus Macdonald, à Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue.  

lire l'histore complet ici

Published: 16 Apr 2015

Carbon pricing with a practical Canadian twist

The Globe and Mail | April 7, 2015

By: Chirstopher Ragan

On Tuesday, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission (which I chair) released a new report, The Way Forward, with specific recommendations for how Canadians can make real progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). 

Published: 9 Apr 2015

Feeding the body, nourishing the soul

The McGill Reporter | April 2, 2015

by: Neale McDevitt

Established in 2007, the Edible Campus garden – which does the impossible every year by making the concrete plaza surrounding Burnside Hall bloom with fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers – is an oasis for many McGillians who gather there to read, relax and recharge amidst nature’s beauty.

Published: 9 Apr 2015

Forest fragmentation leads to species die-off that lasts decades: study

CTV News | March 20, 2015

Cutting up forests into ever-smaller bits starts a die-off of species that lasts decades -- an "extinction debt" incurred today and paid by future generations, says a study on forest fragmentation.

Published: 23 Mar 2015

Outside the box: Reclaiming our streets as places to live, not just drive

The Ottawa Citizen | Mar 12, 2015

by: Avi Freidman

Are asphalt roads and sidewalks in neighbourhoods really needed?

Published: 22 Mar 2015

Catherine Potvin - Dialogues for a Greener Canada

Science News | March 18, 2015

by: Lesley Evans Ogden

A group of prominent Canadian academics is trying to change the dynamic by releasing its own set of climate policy recommendations for the nation.

Published: 22 Mar 2015

Complete shift to renewable energy within Canada’s reach, academics say

The Globe and Mail | March 18, 2015

by: Ivan Semeniuk & Shawn McCarthy

Canada could shift entirely to renewable sources of electricity by 2035 and eliminate 80 per cent of its greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century, says a group of Canadian academics that is aiming to spur government action on climate change.

Published: 22 Mar 2015

'Cities We Need' conference highlights importance of municipal autonomy

The McGill Tribune | Feb. 24, 2015

by: Philippe Dumais

The McGill Institute for the Study of Canada (MISC) opened its 20th annual two-day conference on Feb. 19, focusing on the challenges cities across Canada face.  

Published: 6 Mar 2015

McGill Spaces Project holds second workshop on Brown Building redesign

The McGill Tribune | Feb. 24, 2015

by: Laura Hanrahan

Published: 6 Mar 2015


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