What to Listen to (Podcasts)
- La Terre au carré (France Inter)
- Cilmate One
- Carbon Removal Newsroom
- How to Save the World
- How to Save a Planet
- Outside/In
- Hot Take
- Drilled
- A Sustainable Mind
- Green Dreamer
- Trash Talking with Eco Warriors
- Intersectionality Matters!
What to Watch (Movies)
- Leave No Trace (Netflix)
- Biggest Little Farm (Netflix)
- Cottagers & Indians (CBC Gem)
- The Anthropocene Project (Crave)
- Who Farted? (CBC Gem)
- Nausicaa of the Valley of the Winds (Netflix)
- Beyond Climate (YouTube)
- Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance (NFB)
- Inhabit (inhabitfilm.com)
- Angry Inuk (NFB)
What to Read (Articles and books)
- Could carbonremoval tech make travel more sustainable? | BBC Travel
- Rooting the future in engineered climatesmart crops | Carbon 180
- Spreading rock dust on fields could remove vast amounts of CO2 from air | The Guardian
- The Nature Fix by Florence Williams
- All We Can Save by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson
- Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer
Who to Follow (Content Creators)
- @labelle_eco_life (Instagram)
- @randomactsofgreen (Instagram)
- @thegreenmum (Instagram/YouTube)
- @mariebeech (Instagram)
- @get.waste.ed (Instagram)
- @intersectionalenvironmentalist (Instagram)
- @trashisfortossers (Instagram)
- @toritsui_ (Instagram)
- @ethigirlblog (Instagram/Blog)