Pam Orzeck has extensive experience in clinical and community practice, having worked as a front line social worker and research-practitioner for 25 years prior to joining the faculty at McGill. Pam has been involved in direct services, research, training, and knowledge transfer for multiple social issues related to family caregivers, social gerontology, social policy, and mental health.
Pam consults on various committees and boards and coordinates a federal government population impact project on seniors' social isolation. Pam's latest research focused on women's bereavement experiences after caregiving. She has published several articles and co-edited a book on professional interventions with caregivers.
Pam is currently the Director of Field Education and leads a team dedicated to ensuring a positive and meaningful field education experience for social work students. Pam also teaches courses related to the health field, social policy, caregivers and field education.
PhD in Social Work -2017 Université Laval, Quebec
Master of Social Work - 1998 McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Bachelor of Social Work - 1993 McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Areas of interest and specialization
- Caregivers
- Caregiver bereavement
- Social gerontology
- Community and homecare practice
- End of life care
- Social policy
- Social isolation
- Field education
(2012-2017). Équipe VIES – Vieillissements, exclusions sociales et solidarité. L’inclusion sociale des personnes âgées: Enjeux de reconnaissance et de redistibution. Fonds de recherche québécois sur la société et la culture (FRQSC), Soutien aux équipes de recherche.
(May 2009-April 2013). Équipe VIES- Vieillissements, exclusions sociales et solidarités. Fonds Québécois de recherche sur la société et la culture (FQRSC): Soutien aux équipes de recherche. Amount awarded: $652 976.
(May 2007-April 2012). Centre de recherche et d'expertise en gérontologie sociale (CREGÉS), CSSS Cavendish – Centre Affilié Universitaire. (Project #123204). Fonds Québecois de recherche sur la société et la culture (FQRSC): Soutien aux infrastructures de recherche/Centres Affiliés Universitaires (CAU), $739,000.
Orzeck, P. & Stolow, M. (grant writers)(2016). $1.3 million for 3 years. Impact Plan for social isolation in seniors and caregivers. Employment and Social Development Canada.
Van Pevenage, I., Durivage, P., Orzeck, P. (2014). $75,000 for 2 years. MSSS funded development of end of life care support groups for family caregivers.
Brotman, S., Drummond, J.D., Silverman, M., Sussman, T., Orzeck, P., Barylak, L., Wallach, I., Billette, V. (2016). Talking about Sexuality and Intimacy with Women Spousal Caregivers: Perspectives of Service Providers. Health & Social Work. Vol 41, no. 1.
Orzeck, P. (2016).Identities in Transition: Women Caregivers in Bereavement. Journal of Social Work in End of Life & Palliative Care, 12 (1-2).
Van Pevenage, Isabelle., Freitas, Z., Durivage, P., Orzeck, P., Van Pevenage, C. (2015). How to support practitioners in their care of caregivers: mapping factors that affect the grieving process. Pluriages,Vol 6. no.1.
Orzeck.P., Brotman, S., Drummond, JD., Silverman, M., Shiller, I., Barylak, L. (2014). Caregivers in the Healthcare Workplace. Les Cahiers du CREGÉS. Numero 2014, vol. 1.
Drummond, J., Brotman, S., Silverman, M., Orzeck, P., Sussman, T., Barylak, L., & Wallach, I. (2012). The impact of caregiving: Women’s experiences of sexuality and intimacy. Affilia.