Eun G. Park
Associate Professor
- PhD (Information Studies), University of California, Los Angeles
- MBA (Business Administration), University of Pittsburgh
- MS (Library and Information Science), University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- BA (English Language and Literature), Pusan National University
- GLIS 660 Enterprise Content Management
- GLIS 643 - Electronic Records Systems
- GLIS 609 - MA in Digital Humanities Courses
- GLIS 642 Preservation Management
- Philips Ayeni
- Morgannis Graham
- Trudi Wright
- Qing Zou
Open Data Open Government, Open data analytics
Trust in online communities, Trust in the Clouding services (Assessment of the levels of trust at various institutions, the comparison of institutional trust and personal trust at organizational settings, data openness)
Enterprise Content Management (Management of digital content, systems, applications, tools, services and policies at organizations)
Ontology modeling with cultural heritage objects (Building interactive networks for data visualization and representation)
Park, Eun G. and Oh, Wankeun. 2019. “Factors and Their Relationships in Measuring the Progress of Open Government.” Aslib Journal of Information Mangement (forthcoming).
Park, Eun G. and Oh, Wankeun. 2019. “Developing a Government Openness Index: The Case of Developing Countries.” Information Development 34 (2): 1-14.
Slonosky, Victoria, Sieber, Renée, Burr, Gordon, Podolsky, Lori, Smith, Robert, Barlett, Madeleine, Park, Eun, Cullen, Jeremy and Fabry, Frédéric. 2019. “From books to bytes: a new data rescue tool.” Geoscience Data Journal 6 (1): 58-73.
Zou, Qing and Park, Eun G. 2018. “Linking Historical Collections in an Event-based Ontology.” Digital Library Perspectives (in press).
Al-Hussaeni, Khalil. Fung, Benjamin C. M., Iqbal, Farkhund. Dagher, Gaby. G. and Park, Eun G. (2018). SafePath: differentially-private publishing of passenger trajectories in transportation systems.Computer Networks (COMNET): Special Issue on Intelligent and Connected Transportation Systems, 143 (October 2018):126-139.
Park, Eun G., Burr, Gordon, Slonosky, Victoria, Sieber, Renee and Podolsky, Lori. 2018. "DRAW (Data Rescue Archive Weather): Preserving the Complexity of Historical Climate Data.” Journal of Documentation 74 (4): 763-780.
Park, Eun G. and Milner, Matthew. 2018. “Building Social Interactions as a Creation of Networks in an RDF Repository.” Journal of Arts & Humanities 7 (2): 59-65.
Park, Eun G. and Oh, Wankeun. 2018. “Trust, ICT and Income: Their Relationships and Implications.” Online Information Review.
Park, Eun G. and Oh, Wankeun. 2018. “Developing a Government Openness Index: The Case of Developing Countries.” Information Development 34 (2): 1-14.
Zwarich, Natasha and Park, Eun G. 2017. “Toward E-Mail Governance: Policies and Practices in the Government of Canada.” Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, 41 (3): 169-185.
Adu, KK, Ngulube, Patrick, Park, Eun G. and Adjei, Emmanuel. 2017. “Evaluation of the implementation of electronic government in Ghana.” Information Polity 23 (1): 81-94.
Park, Eun G. 2017. Building an Event-Based Ontology Model for Historical Collections and Archival Descriptions. 2nd International Archive Congress on Ottoman Lands, Istanbul, Turkey, November 21, 2017.
Park, Eun G. 2017. Trusting records in the networked environment. Assessment of Privacy-preserving and Security Techniques for Records Management in Cloud Computing. InterPARES Trust ASIA International Conference. Renmin University of China, Beijing, China, April 22-23, 2017.
Oh, Wankeun and Park, Eun G. 2016. “Economic Effects and CO2 Emissions Reduction of Trusted Third Party Digital Repositories”. Applied Economics, 48 (40): 3812-3825.
Zou, Qing and Park, Eun G. 2015. Restructuring Cultural Heritage Collections in the Basic Formal Ontology. In Proceedings of the International Congress on Digital Heritage 2015, Granada, Spain, September 28-October 2, 2015.
Park, Eun G. 2015. Legal Compliance and Technical Capability for Privacy-sensitive Data Protection in the Cloud. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on INFuture: e-Institutions – Openness, Accessibility, and Preservation, Zagreb, Croatia, November 11-13, 2015.
Park, Eun G. 2015. Legal Compliance and Technical Capability for Privacy-sensitive Data Protection in the Cloud. INFuture2015: e-Institutions – Openness, Accessibility, and Preservation. Zagreb, 11-13 November 2015.
Park, Eun G. and Oh, Wankeun. 2015. Does ICT improve trust?: Understanding the relationship of trust and ICT. 38th Korean International Economics Association 2015, Seoul, South Korea, Dec. 18, 2015.
Park, Eun G. 2014. InterPARES Trust 2nd International Symposium, October 17, 2014: A Privacy-preserving Approach for Records Management in Cloud Computing. Victoria, BC: University of Victoria Library.
Park, Eun and Paris, Benjamin. 2014. “System upgrade and integration at a medium-sized dental clinic.” International Journal of Privacy and Health Information Management, 2 (1): 51-64.
Park, Eun, Zou, Qing, & Milner, Matthew. 2013. Making Publics 2.0: Humanities data linked through a topical repository. In Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Montreal, QC, November 1-6, 2013.
Zou, Qing and Park, Eun G. 2011. “Modeling Ancient Chinese Time Ontology.” Journal of Information Science 37(3): 332-341.
Wright, Trudi, Park, Eun, and Cole, Charles. 2011. “Collaboration Tools in Virtual Educational Communities: A Case of the Paulo Freire Project for Critical Pedagogy.” The New Educational Review 24 (2): 271-280.