Respiratory Medicine

Fellowship Program

The Pediatric Respirology Research Fellowship Program is offered to further develop skills and expertise in research related to Pediatric Respirology. This fellowship is designed to supplement the training acquired during the core Pediatric Respirology training and further prepare the candidate for a career in academic Pediatric Respirology.

Currently, the focus of Pediatric Respirology training programs in Canada is to produce competent clinicians to deliver excellent specialized care to children with respiratory disorders. However, the majority of Pediatric Respirologists in Canada practice at university‐based hospitals with academic appointments and are expected to contribute to academic advancements within the field. Therefore the focus of this fellowship is to provide a year long opportunity to focus on a research project to further develop skills in research design, implementation as well as specific technical/clinical skills that can be subsequently adapted to the trainees' future academic career. The research component of the fellowship will be up to 75%.

It is recognized that after completion of the Pediatric Respirology Subspecialty Residency training, the trainee would benefit from maintaining clinical contact to maintain and further expand their skills and knowledge acquired during their Pediatric Respirology Subspecialty Residency training. As such opportunity for ongoing clinical contact will be provided.

Program length: 1 year
Average number of trainees per year: 2

Contact Us

Division Director

Dr. Larry Lands

Postgraduate Medical Education

Subspecialty Residency Program Co-Directors
Dr. Anne-Marie Canakis 
Dr. Kimberley Kaspy (interim)
Dr. Lianne Kopel (on leave until Feb 2024)

Pediatric Respirology Research Fellowship Program Director
Dr. Larry Lands

Administrative Staff

Residency Program Coordinator
programadmin.pedsresp [at]


For Medical Student and General Pediatrics Residents:

Administrative Assistant: therese.caissie [at] (Therese Caissie)
Rotation Coordinator: Dr. Adam Shapiro

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