Bocconi University

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Location 🌎

Language of instruction 💬

Eligible faculty 🎓

Milan, Italy Italian and English Management


Bocconi University is one of Italy's elite universities and their highest-ranked business school. Founded in Milan in 1902, it is recognized globally in the areas of Business, Economics, and Law, with a mission to help advance social and economic progress across Europe and beyond. Students will be mesmerized with Milan's historical heritage, Art, designer clothes and endless delicious food!

Important Information

  • Bocconi University offers series of social events and orientation activities at the beginning of each semester to help students feel at home. Students are required to arrive on campus in time to complete the mandatory check-in and attend the Welcome Activities, or at the latest, before classes begin. Late arrivals should be reported in advance. Visit the website for more details. 

Term dates 

Semester 1

Semester 2

September - February February - July

*Semester and exam dates may vary from year to year. Please consult the Host institution's fact sheet, the Host institution's website, or the Host institution directly to confirm.

Contact information

International Student Desk
Università Bocconi
Markets & External Affairs
Piazza Sraffa, 11 - Room 303
20136 Milan - Italy

Incoming Students Contact

Email: inexchange [at]

Phone: +39.02.5836.2236




The information on this page is drawn from either the institution's fact sheet or their website as linked above.

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