Accident and Incident Report Forms

To better serve the McGill community, this online form should be completed following an accident, incident, or occupational disease report, including ergonomic injuries.

Please complete and submit the Online Accident, Incident & Occupational Disease Form. Firefox browser is preferred. If you are encountering difficulties, try clearing your cache.


3 minutes Tutorial

If you have a work accident:

  • Report the event to your supervisor immediately,
  • Complete the Online Accident, Incident & Occupational Disease Form promptly. After completing this form, your supervisor will be asked via the service portal to complete Sections C and D.
  • If you believe you require medical assistance, you should consult a physician.
  • If you consult a physician, then note that you need to complete and sign the Printable Accident & Incident Form and attach it to your online report.
  • If the physician provides documentation, you should provide a readable copy of this documentation to your immediate supervisor or your HR Advisor
  • Participate in the work accident investigation with your supervisor (if you are fit to do so).

If one of your employees has a work accident:

  • Ask your employee to complete the Online Accident, Incident & Occupational Disease Form promptly.
  • The service portal will then ask you to complete Sections C and D.
  • If your employee has completed the printable version of the form, you may use this version to complete your sections and submit them via the online portal. Please do not send to ehs [at]
  • If your employee consults a physician, ensure that you and/or your employee submit to your area HR Advisor the completed Accident, Incident & Occupational Disease Report form and all the medical documentation. The HR Advisor will send everything to Benefits who will open a claim file with CNESST.

Union and Association contact information

Please send a copy of your completed accident form to your union or association. 

Contact information is provided here when available:

info [at] (MUNACA)

MUNACA – PSAC Local 17602
3483 Peel Street
Montreal, QC, H3A 1W7 [at] (AMURE)

info [at] (MUNASA)

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