Indoor Air Quality Complaint Form

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) deals with the content and thermal properties of interior air that could affect health and comfort of building occupants.

Natural Gas Odours

If you notice a natural gas odour in your area:

  1. Do not activate the fire alarm or turn on or off any lights, electrical appliances or cell phones.
  2. Evacuate the building immediately, alerting co-workers via word of mouth.
  3. Once outside, move away from the building.
  4. From a safe location, contact Security Services at 514-398-3000 (Downtown) or 514-398-7777 (Macdonald).
  5. Do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so by Security Services.

Suspicious Odours

If you notice unusual odours in your area, related to diesel, building operations, renovation or construction activities:

  1. If you are feeling ill, advise others to leave and then leave the immediate area
  2. Contact the Facilities Call Centre (FCC) or Campus Public Safety (Security Services)

The Facilities Call Centre is staffed Monday to Friday from 7:30 AM to 10:00 PM. If the FCC operator is not on duty, the calls are directed to McGill Security Services.

Spring/Fall Temperature Fluctuations

Spring and Fall are periods of the year with extreme temperature fluctuations in the ambient environment. As such, it is difficult to maintain stable temperatures in our buildings. The following contributing factors further complicate the regulation of building temperatures:

  • Most of our mechanical systems were not designed to respond to excessive temperature changes.
  • Most of our ventilation systems cannot heat and cool simultaneously.
  • The transfer from cooling to heating is cumbersome, labour-intensive, and expensive.

Your patience is requested during these periods. To report temperature control problems, contact the Facilities Call Centre (FCC)

Temperature and Ventilation

All issues related to the building utility systems, such as temperature control (heating and cooling) and ventilation must be immediately reported to the Facilities Call Centre (FCC).  If the problem is related to high temperature conditions in your workplace, please refer to the 

Medical Issues

If you are experiencing any medical issues you should submit an Accident/Incident/Occupational Disease Report Form in case there is a reason to file a disability claim.

Indoor Air Quality Complaint Form

If your IAQ concern does not fall in one of the aforementioned categories then:

  1. Advise your supervisor of your concern;
  2. Contact the Facilities Call Centre (FCC)
  3. Advise the Building Director, if applicable;
  4. Complete the Indoor Air Quality Complaint Form to request further investigation by EHS.

    PLEASE NOTE: Investigating air quality complaints requires time and detailed information therefore it is imperative that you provide as much information as possible when completing the form. Any personal information that you provide will remain confidential.

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