July 2 to July 5, 2024
Part of the Summer Institute in Innovative Methodologies
The Summer Institute is co-organized by the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences and the Department of Family Medicine. It will provide participants with the knowledge and skills required to conduct or evaluate mixed methods research, a powerful methodology to address the growing complexity of research questions relating to human health and wellbeing. Coached by a team of mixed methods researchers, participants will have several opportunities to acquire knowledge on the conduct of mixed methods studies and mixed studies reviews.
In the last decade, there has been a steady increase in the use of mixed methods in health research. This growth in popularity can be seen as a response to the increasing complexity of research problems relating to human health and wellbeing. However, the plurality of mixed methods designs is often difficult to cope with for researchers who are new to it.
The Summer Institute will not only provide health researchers with the tools to understand and critically evaluate the growing number of mixed methods research published each year; it will also enable them to produce results that lead to a deeper understanding of health phenomena or corroborate results by the use of combined methods and data collection, analysis and interpretive techniques. Given the complexity of health and health services, and the need to base decision-making processes on the best scientific evidence, we believe that the Summer Institute will help participants to produce results of greater relevance to researchers, managers and policy makers at each level of the health care system.
Participants will be introduced to a research problem that can be tackled using a mixed methods study or a mixed studies review; the Summer Institute will guide them in determining which are the most appropriate design and procedures.
Day 1 – Tuesday, July 2 |
8:45am - 9:00am |
Registration and light breakfast |
9:00am - 10:30am 10:30am - 10:45am 10:45am - 12:00pm |
Welcome, introductions and discussion of expectations Break Introduction to mixed methods |
12:00pm - 1:00pm |
Lunch |
1:00pm - 3:00pm 3:00pm - 3:15pm 3:15pm - 4:00pm |
Development of a mixed methods research problem, aims and questions Break Small group exercise |
Day 2 – Wednesday, July 3 |
8:45am - 9:00am |
Light breakfast |
9:00am - 10:30am 10:30am - 10:45am 10:45am - 12:00pm |
Mixed methods designs: Sequential explanatory design Break Mixed methods designs: Sequential exploratory design |
12:00pm - 1:00pm |
Lunch |
1:00pm - 2:30pm 2:30pm - 2:45pm 2:45pm - 3:15pm 3:15pm - 4:00pm |
Mixed methods designs: Convergent study design Break Validity Small group exercise |
Day 3 – Thursday, July 4 |
8:45am - 9:00am |
Light breakfast |
9:00am - 10:30am 10:30am - 10:45am 10:45am - 12:00pm |
Integration strategies: Introduction Break Integration strategies: Connection of phases |
12:00pm - 1:00pm |
Lunch |
1:00pm - 2:30pm 2:30pm - 2:45pm 2:45pm - 4:00pm |
Integration strategies: Comparison of results Break Integration strategies: Assimilation of data |
Day 4 – Friday, July 5 |
8:45am - 9:00am |
Light breakfast |
9:00am - 10:00am 10:00am - 10:15am 10:15am - 12:00pm |
Mixed studies reviews: definition and steps Break Small group exercise |
12:00pm - 1:00pm |
Lunch |
1:00pm - 2:00pm 2:00pm - 2:15pm 2:15pm - 4:00pm |
Mixed studies reviews: synthesis designs and methods Break Small group exercise |
6:00pm |
Summer Institute Dinner (restaurant) |
Instructors and Organizers
Quan Nha Hong, OT, MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor, School of Rehabilitation, Université de Montréal
Quan Nha Hong is an Assistant Professor in the École de réadaptation (School of Rehabilitation) of Université de Montréal and a researcher at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation of Greater Montreal (CRIR). She is interested in systematic reviews, mixed methods research, quality appraisal, health technology assessment, evidence-based practice, and work rehabilitation.
isabelle.vedel [at] mcgill.ca (Isabelle Vedel, MD, PhD)
Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Graduate Program Director for the MSc program
Co-founder and scientific director of the ROSA research team (Research on Organization of healthcare Services for Alzheimers)
Dr. Isabelle Vedel is a public health physician and an Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at McGill University. She is also an investigator at the Lady Davis Institute of the Jewish General Hospital. She has received an investigator award from the Canadian Institute of Health Research and a Dawson Scholar. She is currently an FRQS senior researcher. She has expertise in health service and policy evaluation research, implementation science, mixed methods research and complex systematic reviews of the literature.
Dr. Belinda Nicolau, DDS, MSc, PhD
Professor, Faculty of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences, McGill University
Dr. Nicolau holds a DDS degree from the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil and MSc and PhD degrees from University College London. She is currently a Professor in the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences of McGill University, where she leads a research program investigating the causes of chronic oral diseases using epidemiological methods. Her research program specifically addresses the increase in human papillomavirus-related oral/oropharyngeal cancer and the links between periodontal diseases and obesity.
Potential participants
All health researchers interested in qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods will benefit from this Summer Institute. The institute is open to anyone with a background in research methodology who is interested in developing the skills needed to understand, design and carry out mixed methods studies including:
- professors
- graduate students
- postdoctoral trainees
- clinicians
“I liked the hands-on approach to qualitative data. It helped to learn experientially compared to only hearing about the theory and methods.”
“Congratulations for creating and making available an amazing course like this. I was really happy to be part of it!”
“This workshop provided me the essential tools to understand and conduct research projects using the Mixed-Methods methodology. I also had the opportunity to interact with students and professors from diverse international institutions. Besides, the course was held in the exciting Montreal during the summer, which made it even more attractive.”
“The Summer Institute was a highly enjoyable and superb opportunity to collaborate with talented oral health researchers from across Canada, and further abroad. Hands down, this has been one of the most well-organized and stimulating dental research activities I have participated in, and I highly recommend the Summer Institute to anyone - novice or experienced researcher - with an interest in mixed methods. Not only did I learn more in five days than I have in any other university-level course on research, but the material was presented in a practical, accessible fashion that made it easy to immediately apply to real research situations. I have since crossed paths with fellow Summer Institute participants, and have been grateful for the many new professional connections I have made.”
“We had in one week a course that usually takes 6 months. The content was extremely useful. The instructors were nice as well as dedicated. Clearly my life has changed. Thank you for the wonderful week!”
Before June 7 |
After June 7 |
Students and trainees from McGill University and its affiliated hospital |
$676 CAD |
$754 CAD |
Applicants working or studying in low- and middle-income countries |
$780 CAD |
$864.50 CAD |
Other students and trainees from high income countries who are registered at a college or university |
$949 CAD |
$1,053 CAD |
All other applicants |
$1,339 CAD |
$1,488.50 CAD |
For those participating in 2 Summer Institute courses, a 12% discount will automatically be applied to the second course. In addition, participants of previous editions of the Summer Institute can obtain a discount of 10% on their entire registration. To qualify for this discount, please contact Srimathi Iyer (srimathi.iyer [at] mcgill.ca).
Fees include a course package and a certificate of participation.
A Concise Introduction to Mixed Methods Research by John W Creswell (https://us.sagepub.com/hi/nam/a-concise-introduction-to-mixed-methods-re...)