Fire Extinguisher Maintenance
- You can help us verify whether extinguishers are accessible or require maintenance.
- Familiarize yourself with the types of extinguishers are available in your work area and where are they located.
- Make sure they are not obstructed or hidden behind any furniture or doors.
- If you answer no to either of the questions below, please operations.emfp [at] (contact us).
Is the needle on the gauge in the green zone?
If the needle is not in green zone, maintenance is required.
Is the safety pin tamper seal missing?
If the extinguisher does not have a tamper seal, maintenance is required.
If extinguishers are missing or have been tampered with, please report them to Operations (at Fire Prevention) at (514) 398-3473 or operations.emfp [at] (email us).
After Using an Extinguisher
After an extinguisher has been used, you must report it to Security Services. A patroller will be sent to obtain the extinguisher and will notify the Fire Prevention Office.
In return, the Operations Team will have the extinguisher replaced at its original location.
Service Tags
During annual inspections, a service tag is attached to each McGill extinguisher. The inspector’s initials are written in the box according to the month and year of the inspection.
The annual inspection is valid for one year following the date written.