MAUT is a voluntary, democratic organization serving as the voice of McGill’s academic staff. It is committed to promoting academic freedom, collegial governance and the improvement of working conditions for all faculty members. As a voluntary organization it relies on the active participation of its members in the affairs of the university community.
- provides advice to our members on all matters affecting their welfare and academic freedom
- promotes fairness in the design and implementation of regulations and policies governing every aspect of university life
- safeguards the salaries, benefits, and general working conditions of academic staff and strives to enhance the quality of their professional environment at McGill
- keeps MAUT members informed of concerns and activities. Items of interest and notices of upcoming events are distributed electronically via the MAUTForum Listserv and MAUT / APBM Newsletter
MAUT is a member of both the Canadian Association of University Teachers / Association canadienne des professeures et professeurs d’universite (CAUT/ACPPU) and La Fédération québécoise des professeures et professeurs d'université (FQPPU).
For more information and how to join, please visit the MAUT website.
Members are encouraged to contact the MAUT Executive or Council with concerns and comments.