April 2016 News! The Trottier Energy Futures Project (TEFP) releases initial summaries of findings on transformations towards Canadian GHG reductions
"Canada’s Challenge & Opportunity: Transformations for major reductions in GHG emissions"
The Trottier Energy Futures Project (TEFP) is a collaborative effort by the Canadian Academy of Engineering and the David Suzuki Foundation and made possible by generous financial support from the Trottier Family Foundation. TEFP summaries, presentations, and full reports are available below. The questions in focus are very important to TISED. We have been engaged through working groups of the TEFP, as well as various activities very much aligned with this project's aims (our annual Symposiums, Storage in Sustainable Electric Energy Systems, and other past initiatives and events).
The TEFP project aims to stimulate informed discussions about how to meet internationally defined GHG reduction targets. The challenge of significantly reducing GHGs in Canada is complex, involving a number of combinations of possible pathways. This project is defined by the goal of reducing GHG emissions by 80% from 1990 levels by the year 2050, and with consideration of reducing GHG emissions by 100% or more by the end of the century. The project employs a systems analysis approach by specifying a target reduction for GHG emissions from combustion sources. It uses two models to optimize pathways to attaining the target at minimum cost, for a variety of scenarios that define alternative futures. The approach defines the least-expensive ways forward and sets the stage for informed conversations that will increase understanding of GHG reduction options open to Canada, and the steps that will lead to early reductions.
Reducing GHG Emissions in Canada: A Formidable Challenge | EN Presenation (Apr. 5/16) by Dr. John Leggat
La réduction des émissions de GES au Canada: un défi d’une ampleur insoupçonnée | Présentation FR (5avr16) par Dr. John Leggat
Executive Summary of TEFP: Canada’s Challenge and Opportunity: Transformations for major reductions in GHG emissions
Sommaire Exécutif TEFP : Défis et opportunités pour le Canada: Transformations pour une réduction majeure des émissions de GES
Project Summary of TEFP: Canada’s Challenge and Opportunity: Transformations for major reductions in GHG emissions
Résumé du project TEFP : Défis et opportunités pour le Canada: Transformations pour une réduction majeure des émissions de GES