ACA Colloquium
March 2021
Archives & Activism
Thursday, March 11, 2021 from 10:00am-4:00pm
Including presentations from:
Gabrielle Garcia & Ethan Lopez (Lambda Archives of San Diego)
Matthew Lawrence (McGill University, MISt student)
Ariana Ho (ArQuives: Canada's LGBTQ2+ Archives)
David Webster, Juliana Leal, and Émilie Labbé (Timor International Solidarity Archive)
François Dansereau (The Archive of the Jesuits in Canada)
Sofie Tsatas (McGill University, MISt student)
Suneil Sanzgiri (Artist, Researcher, Filmmaker)
Leah Graham and Leigh Emerson (McGill University, Unsung Heroes Project)
March 2020
Archiving the Personal
Tuesday, March 10, 2020 from 10:00am-4:00pm
Marcel Caya—“Monetary Appraisal of Personal Archives: a Tool for Acquisition”
François Dansereau—“The ‘Personal’ in Institutional Archives: Or How Personal Photo Albums Open Up Narratives"
Jonathan Dorey—“From Personal Papers to Research Data: Archival Theory in Context”
Nicholas Decarie—“The Decarie Family Archives: Building a Cloud-Based Archive”
Sean Sallis-Lyon—“Quality Archives on a Budget"
Lori Podolsky—“The Emotive Archives: the Personal Within”
Gordon Burr—“Archiving the Emotional and the Personal: The Case of Fred Wigle”
March 2009
Breaking out of the Box!
The challenges of archival practice in the digital world
Plenary speaker David Bearman
President / Partner, Archives and Museum Informatics LLC
Friday, March 27, 2009 from 10:00am-4:30pm
School of Information Studies, McGill University
3459 McTavish, Room MS-24. Montreal.
Planning is well under way for the upcoming colloquium, and we are pleased to welcome all interested individuals to participate free of charge. Attendees will hear presentations on the theme of "Challenges facing archival practice in a digital world," with numerous student paper presentations. The plenary speaker, influential Canadian archivist David Bearman, is known internationally for his work on digital archives and web applications for museum environments. The colloquium will appeal to students and faculty in information studies and the complementary disciplines of history, management, and computer science. There is increasing recognition that to meet the challenges raised by the pervasive impact of digital environments, interdisciplinary cooperation and leadership will be required. In this spirit, this event offers a venue for students to meet across faculties, and a networking opportunity to engage with academics and practicing archivists, records & information managers.
This talk will range broadly across a variety of different kinds of challenges that have faced and are still facing the digital archivist. First we'll examine what Digital Archives are and why the many solutions proposed by digital librarians have failed to satisfy their needs. Then we'll explore how (and when) we might best capture and exploit digital archival metadata (and the standards that once were and now are viable in that respect), and then imagine the ways in which we might be making archives available to the public, in particular the public that has no idea we, or the digital archives, exist. Finally, we'll examine the problem of having an impact on a field that is rapidly expanding beyond the control of the formally trained archival professional.
Opening speaker François Cartier
McCord Archivist François Cartier explores the convergence between archives, museums and libraries, and how digital mediation is blurring the boundaries between these disciplines
Speaker Series
November 2009
Brown Bag Lunch (Wednesday 14th November, Noon to 1pm)
Bring your lunch and join us to prepare for a discussion with our upcoming speaker, Howard Shubert from the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) in Montreal.Check out their website
October 2009
Brown Bag Lunch (Wednesday 17th October, Noon to 1pm)
Come and discuss the wonderful world of Records Management in preparation for our upcoming guest speaker, Alex Richmond, Senior Archivist - Records Management at the McGill University Archives in MS-42!
March 2009
Brown Bag Lunch (Thursday 26th March, Noon to 1pm)
Bring your lunch and join us to prepare for our discussion with next week's guest speaker, McGill University Archives Director Theresa Rowat, who will be discussing how to define and go about obtaining the job you want.
November 2008
We look forward to welcoming Howard Shubert of the Canadian Centre for Architecture, our third guest speaker this term. Mr. Shubert will be speaking about his new digitized exhibition project at the CCA.
Thursday November 22, 2008 from 12:15-1:15pm in MS-42
April 2008
Tuesday April 1, 2008 - 12:00p.m. in MS-42 - Guest speaker Theresa Rowat, Director, McGill University Archives: Have you been wondering what exactly you would like to do with your degree once you graduate? Do you know what you would like to do, but are unsure of how to get the position that you would like? Theresa Rowat will be addressing these issues, and providing suggestions for what steps to take to achieve your professional archives-related goals. Highly recommended for all interested archives students, whether you are graduating this year or next!
Thursday April 24, 2008 - Colloquium with speaker Terry Cook - 10:00am-4:30pm
February 2009
Institute of Contemporary Art - Mediatheque tour
Come join us on February 20, 2009 at 2:00pm for a tour of the Mediateque at the Institute of Contemporary Art! The tour will last for 1 1/2 hours and cover what the Mediatheque does, with an emphasis on archives. Space for the discussion part of the tour limits the visit to 15 people. Check back soon for more information on how to sign up.
September 2008
Tour of Le Cheval Blanc, the oldest microbrasserie in Montreal. Guided by Martin, who was friendly, engaging and informative. Discussed the microbrasserie's history and archival situation.
February 2008
McGill ACA First Annual Curling Bonspiel: February 16, 2008 from 4:30-6:30p.m.
Come to play or cheer on your friends! Teams are composed of Lead, Second, Third, and Skip. The Curling Bonspiel will be followed by an informal gathering from 7:30-9:30p.m.