Acceptable Graduate Level Courses

Acceptable Graduate (M.Sc/Ph.D) Level Credit Courses:

The following courses are acceptable graduate level courses (500 level and above) in Physiology and Science. Students who wish to enroll in 500 level or above courses that are not found on this list, must email  gradstudies.physiology [at]  with the course outline and proof that your  supervisor has approved you taking this course(s).  NOTE: Some courses for some Departments may require permission from the professor teaching the course prior to registration, please contact the corresponding department's Student Affairs Officer.

Anatomy & Cell Biology

ANAT 663D1 Course not available

ANAT 663D2 Course not available



PHGY 502 Exercise Physiology 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHGY 508 Advanced Renal Physiology 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHGY 513 Translational Immunology 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHGY 515 Blood-Brain Barrier:Hlth & Dis 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHGY 516 Physiology of Blood 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHGY 518 Artificial Cells 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHGY 520 Ion Channels 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHGY 524 Chronobiology 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHGY 531 Topics in Applied Immunology 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHGY 550 Molecular Physiology of Bone 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHGY 552 Cellular&Molecular Physiology 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHGY 556 Topics in Systems Neuroscience 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHGY 560 Light Microscopy-Life Science 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer



BIEN 570 Active Mechanics in Biology 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer



BIOC 503 Biochemistry of ImmuneDiseases 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

BIOC 600 Adv Strat in Genetics&Genomics 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

BIOC 603 Genomics and Gene Expression 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

BIOC 604 Macromolecular Structure 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

BIOC 605 Protein Biology & Proteomics 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

BIOC 670 Biochemistry of Lipoproteins 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer



BINF 511 Bioinformatics for Genomics 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer



BIOL 518 Adv. Topics in Cell Biology 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

BIOL 520 Gene Activity in Development 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

BIOL 524 Topics in Molecular Biology 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

BIOL 532 Developmental Neurobiology Sem 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

BIOL 544 Genetic Basis of Life Span 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

BIOL 546 Genetics of Model Systems 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

BIOL 551 Principles of Cellular Control 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

BIOL 568 Topics on the Human Genome 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

BIOL 565 Cell and Tissue Mechanobiology 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

BIOL 569 Developmental Evolution 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

BIOL 575 Human Biochemical Genetics 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

BIOL 588 Advances in Mol/Cell Neurobiol 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer


Biomedical Engineering

BMDE 502 BME Modelling & Identification 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

BMDE 519 Biomedical Signals & Systems 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer



BTEC 501 Bioinformatics 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

BTEC 555 Structural Bioinformatics 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer



All 500 level courses. See Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Calendar for detailed course listings.


Computer Science

COMP 552 Combinatorial Optimization 4 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

COMP 526 Course not available

COMP 551 Applied Machine Learning 4 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

COMP 558 Fund. of Computer Vision 4 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

COMP 564 Adv Comput'l Bio Meth&Research 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

COMP 616D1 Bioinformatics Seminar 1.5 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

COMP 616D2 Bioinformatics Seminar 1.5 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

COMP 618 Bioinformatics: Funct Genomics 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

COMP 652 Machine Learning 4 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

COMP 680 Mining Biological Sequences 4 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer


Electrical Engineering

ECSE 509 Probability & Random Signals 2 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

ECSE 512 Digital Signal Processing 1 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

ECSE 529 Course not available

ECSE 620 Information Theory and Coding 4 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

ECSE 626 Statistical Computer Vision 4 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer


Experimental Medicine

EXMD 502 Advanced Endocrinology 1 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

EXMD 503 Advanced Endocrinology 02 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

EXMD 504 Biology of Cancer 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

EXMD 506 Adv Appl Cardiovascular Physio 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

EXMD 507 Adv Respiratory Physiology 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

EXMD 508 Adv Topics in Respiration 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

EXMD 510 Bioanalytical Separation Meth 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

EXMD 602 Techniques in Molec Genetics 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

EXMD 603 Seminars in Endocrinology 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

EXMD 604 Recent Advces: Cell&Mol Biol 1 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

EXMD 607 Molec Control of Cell Growth 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

EXMD 608 Molecular Embryology 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

EXMD 609 Cellular Meths in Med Research 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

EXMD 610 Molecular Meths in Medical Res 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

EXMD 611D1 Seminars in Oncology 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

EXMD 611D2 Seminars in Oncology 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

EXMD 614 Environmental Carcinogenesis 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

EXMD 615 Essentials of Glycobiology 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

EXMD 616 Molecular&Cell Biology Topics 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

EXMD 635D1 Experimental/Clinical Oncology 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

EXMD 635D2 Experimental/Clinical Oncology 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer


Experimental Surgery

EXSU 684 Signal Transduction 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer


Human Genetics

HGEN 660 Genetics and Bioethics 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

HGEN 675 Stem Cell Biology 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer



MATH 523 Generalized Linear Models 4 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

MATH 524 Nonparametric Statistics 4 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

MATH 537 Honours Math Models in Biology 4 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

MATH 574 Dynamical Systems 4 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

MATH 579 Numerical Differential Eqns 4 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

MATH 671 Applied Stochastic Processes 4 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

MATH 680 Computation Intensive Stats 4 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

MATH 681 Time Series Analysis 4 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer


Mechanical Engineering

MECH 605 Applied Maths 1 4 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer


Neurology & Neurosurgery

NEUR 503 Computational Neuroscience 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

NEUR 602 Current Topics inNeuroscience 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

NEUR 604 Neuroscience Seminar 3 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

NEUR 605 Neuroscience Seminar 4 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

NEUR 630 Principles of Neuroscience 1 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

NEUR 631 Principles of Neuroscience 2 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer



PHAR 503 Drug Discovery & Development 1 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHAR 504 Drug Discovery & Development 2 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHAR 562 Neuropharmacology 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHAR 563 Endocrine Pharmacology 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHAR 704 Topics in Pharmacology 3 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer



PHYS 559 Advanced Statistical Mechanics 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer



PSYT 500 Adv: Neur of Mtl Disorders 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PSYT 630 Statistics for Neurosciences 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer



PSYC 522 Neurochemistry and Behaviour 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PSYC 514 Neurobiology of Memory 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PSYC 526 Advances in Visual Perception 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

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