Collaborative Publications
Elisabeth Beauchamp, Alana Klein, Ashley Lemieux & Anne Crocker, “Situer les programmes de déjudiciarisation québécois au niveau des tribunaux dans les critiques juridiques globales”, in K. Poitras and P.-C. Gagnon, eds, Psychologie et Droit (Montréal: Yvon Blais, 2020).
Lemieux, A. J. Beauchamp, E., Klein, A., & Crocker, A. G. Thirty years of court diversion initiatives: Lessons learned and future directions. In R. Roesch (ed.), Psychology and law (vol. 1 Routledge encyclopedia of psychology in the real world). New York: Routledge (Forthcoming).
Shannon Dea & Daniel Weinstock, eds, "Special Issue: The Philosophy & Political Theory of Harm Reduction" (2020) 28:4 Health Care Analysis. With an article by Alana Klein, "Harm Reduction Works: Evidence and Inclusion in Drug Policy and Advocacy."
Goulet, M.-H., Pariseau-Legault, P., Côté, C, Klein, A et Crocker, A.G, “Multiple stakeholders' perspectives of involuntary treatment orders: A meta-synthesis of the qualitative evidence towards an exploratory model” (2019) 18 Int. J. Forensic Ment. Health 1.
Khoury L., Blackett, A. et Vanhonnaeker, L. (dir.) (sous presse 2019), Genetic testing and the governance of risk in the contemporary economy. Springer: Cham. Deux textes par cochercheurs: Khoury, L., Blackett, A. et Vanhonnaeker (sous presse 2019), L. Legal aspects of genetic testing regarding insurance and employment; Joly, Y. (sous presse 2019), Regulating the use of genetic testing by insurers and employers in the province of Quebec: Is the Genetic Non-discrimination Act really necessary?.
Potter, A. et Weinstock, D. (dir.) (2019), High time : The legalization and regulation of cannabis in Canada (pp. 3-6). Montréal: McGill-Queen’s University Press. Deux chapitres par cochercheurs: Potter, A et Weinstock, D. (2019). Introduction; Klein, A. (2019). What jurisdiction for harm reduction : Cannabis policy reform under Canadian federalism.
Joly, Y., Pinkesz, M. et Saulnier, K.M. (2018). Twenty-first century big data research: New frontier in health care? Dans Regis, C., Khoury, L. et Kouri, R.P. (dir.), Health law at the frontier. Les rencontres en droit de la santé. vol. 2, (pp. 173-198). Montréal: Yvon Blais.
Maioni, A. et Manfredi, Ch. (2018). Pushing the boundaries of tobacco control policy: The Canadian experience. Dans Regis, C., Khoury, L. et Kouri, R.P. (dir.), Health law at the frontier. Les rencontres en droit de la santé. vol. 2, (pp. 279-307). Montréal: Yvon Blais.
Klein, A. and Khoury, L. (2018). The renewal of the judicial function in the protection of health: Visions in constitutional, criminal and public law dans Regis, C., Khoury, L. et Kouri, R.P. (dir.), Health law at the frontier. Les rencontres en droit de la santé. vol. 2, (pp. 199-244). Montréal: Yvon Blais.
Maioni, A. et Manfredi, Ch.P. (2018). Health care and the Charter: Legal mobilization and policy change in Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Erdman, J., Gruben, V. et Nelson, E. (dir.) (2017), Canadian health law and policy. 5th ed. (pp. 95-132). Toronto: Lexis Nexis. Deux chapitres par cochercheurs: Khoury, L. et Régis, C. (2017). Quebec’s contribution to health law and policy debates in Canada; Klein, A. (2017). Jurisdiction in Canadian health law.
Régis, C., Khoury, L. et Kouri, R.P. (dir.) (2016), Les grands conflits et droit de la santé (pp. 93-130). Montréal: Thomson Reuther Yvon Blais. Deux textes par cochercheurs : Khoury, L. (2016). Intérêt général et litiges privés en santé publique: Conflit ou collaboration? ; Klein, A. (2016). Health and criminal law in conflict : Can proportionality analysis help?
Maioni, A. et Manfredi Ch. P. (2016). Courts and Conflicts in Health Policy: Challenging the Status Quo of the Canadian Health Care System. Dans Régis, C., Khoury, L. et Kouri, R.P. (dir.), Les grands conflits et droit de la santé (pp. 319-338). Montréal: Thomson Reuther Yvon Blais.
Joly, Y. et Knoppers, B.M. (dir.) (2015), Routledge handbook of medical law and ethics (pp.168-191). New York: Routledge. Deux chapitres par cochercheurs : Khoury, L. (2015). Health-associated infections; Rahimzadeh, V., Joly, Y. et Knoppers, B.M. (2015). Introduction.