Support within McGill
The Student Wellness Hub provides a range of services to support the well-being of McGill Students, including those targeted towards student caregivers. They focus on awareness, prevention, and early intervention.
Local Wellness Advisor (LWAs) are trained mental health clinicians embedded within faculties and services to orient and connect you with the appropriate support resource - on-campus or off-campus - for your unique situation. Local Wellness Advisors each offer targeted mental health workshops, wellness outreach through our social media channels, as well as one-on-one appointments. Get to know your LWA!
The Student Care Giver Support Group - Join our group and connect with other student caregivers to receive support, ideas, and encouragement.
The Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) offers a personalized approach to helping you. Our specialists can provide you with resources and tools to help you cope with the stress, guilt, and sense of ‘being overwhelmed,’ often associated with caregiving responsibilities. They can also provide a one on-one telephone consultation to assess, identify and locate caregiving services—including provider options, location, current availability and fees—to suit your needs for day-to-day challenges or long-term solutions. Details here.
Student Accessibility & Achievement helps students who are experiencing academic or physical barriers and have a documented disability, mental health condition, chronic health condition, or other impairment. These may be temporary, permanent, or episodic. Students with documented disabilities can register at any point in the year.
McGill Dementia Education Program for care partners of people living with dementia. Companion Guide coming out Sept. 2021!
Support outside of McGill
Huddol is a support network of caregivers, funded by the Government of Canada's New Horizons for Seniors Program
Alzheimer Groupe offers education sessions and programs for family members.
Alzheimer Society Montreal Support for Caregivers
"l'Appui pour les proches aidants d’aînés contribue à améliorer la qualité de vie des proches aidants d’aînés, à faciliter leur quotidien et à veiller à ce qu’ils tirent pleinement profit des ressources mises à leur disposition."
AMI-Quebec offers caregiver supports and resources specific to those who are "affected by or care for a family member or friend who has a chronic illness, disability, mental health or substance use issue and/or problems related to old age."
Carers Canada (Canadian Caregiver Coalition) promotes awareness of and resources for caregivers.
Caring Voice Network is an online learning network supporting family caregivers. CVN's goal: "Help you better navigate the care journey."
Centre de soutien entr'aidants assists and supports caregivers who care for an elderly loved one.
Centre Évasion encourages and enables seniors to "maintain an independent life while contributing to caregivers’ respite and improving their quality of life." Services are offered in English, French and other languages.
Government of Canada, Information for Caregivers (Quebec) offers information about a variety of areas, such as care options, financial measures and mental health.
TeepaSNOW has informative videos to help us understand dementia.
Caregiver Tips
- Keep photocopies of hospital and healthcare cards. Check expiration dates.
- Open a Health Booklet QC account for them to monitor appointments, prescriptions, refills, tests, etc.
- Be prepared in case of an emergency trip to the hospital: Keep a bag ready with the senior's personal hygiene items, clothes, slippers, reading glasses, etc. Take fruit and snacks, as well as coins for vending machines.