The Paul-André Crépeau Centre and its members regularly issue publications. The Center edits many projects, such as the Private Law Dictionaries and Lexicons, researches stemming from the Civil Code Revision Office Archives and from its annual Civil Law Workshop. The Center's members have been publishing through the Collection of the Civil Law Treaties, the Collection of Comparative law, and the Lexicographical Notes. The Ad Hoc Publications section highlights individual publications of the members relating to private law.
Private Law Dictionaries & Bilingual Lexicons
- Paul-André Crépeau Center for private and comparative Law, Private Law Dictionary and Bilingual Lexicons - Family, 2nd ed (Cowansville (Qc):Yvon Blais, 2016).
- Paul-André Crépeau Center for private and comparative Law, Private Law Dictionaries Online, (Montreal: McGill University, 2014).
- Paul-André Crépeau Center for private and comparative Law, Private Law Dictionary and Bilingual Lexicons - Property, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 2012).
- Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, Private Law Dictionary and Bilingual Lexicons - Obligations, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 2003).
- Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, Private Law Dictionary of the Family and Bilingual Lexicons, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 1999).
- John E. C. Brierley & Paul-André Crépeau, eds, Dictionnaire de droit privé et lexiques bilingues, 2nd ed, Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, Cowansville (Qc), Yvon Blais, 1991.
- Robert P. Kouri, ed, Private law dictionnary and bilingual lexicons, 2nd ed, Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, Cowansville (Qc), Yvon Blais, 1991.
- John E. C. Brierley & Paul-André Crépeau, eds, Lexique de droit privé et Supplément au Dictionnaire de droit privé (1985), Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, Cowansville (Qc), Yvon Blais, 1988.
- Robert P. Kouri, ed, Private Law Dictionnary and Bilingual Lexicons, Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, Cowansville (Qc), Yvon Blais, 1988.
- John E. C. Brierley & Paul-André Crépeau, eds, Dictionnaire de droit privé et lexiques bilingues, Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, Cowansville (Qc), Yvon Blais, 1985.
Civil Codes
- Jean-Maurice Brisson & Nicholas Kasirer, eds, Civil Code of Quebec: A Critical Edition, 30rd ed, Paul-André Crépeau Center for private and comparative Law, Cowansville (Qc), Yvon Blais, 2022 (annually published since 1997).
- John E. C. Brierley & Paul-André Crépeau, eds, Civil Code: An historical and critical edition —1980-1993 Supplement, Paul-André Crépeau Center for private and comparative Law, Chambre des Notaires du Québec, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 2013).
- Paul-André Crépeau, La Réforme du Droit civil canadien: une certaine Conception de la Recodification (1965-1977), Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, (Montréal: Thémis, 2003).
- Paul-André Crépeau, ed, The Civil Codes, A Critical Edition 1993, 13th ed, Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 1994) (annually published from 1981 to 1993).
- John E. C. Brierley & Paul-André Crépeau, eds, Civil Code: An historical and critical edition 1866-1980, Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, (Montréal: Chambre des Notaires du Québec, 1981).
Civil Law Treatise Collection
- Madeleine Cantin Cumyn & Michelle Cumyn, L'administration du bien d'autrui, 2nd ed, Traité de droit civil, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 2014).
- Gérald Goldstein & Ethel Groffier, Droit international privé: règles spécifiques, t 2, Traité de droit civil, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 2003).
- Madeleine Cantin Cumyn & Michelle Cumyn, L'administration du bien d'autrui, Traité de droit civil, Cowansville (Qc), Yvon Blais, 2000.
- Paul-Yvan Marquis, La responsabilité civile du notaire, Traité de droit civil, Cowansville (Qc), Yvon Blais, 1999.
- Gérald Goldstein & Ethel Groffier, Droit international privé: théorie générale, t 1, Traité de droit civil, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 1998).
- Pierre-Gabriel Jobin, Le louage, 2nd ed, Traité de droit civil, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 1997).
- Germain Brière, Les successions, 2nd ed, Traité de droit civil, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 1994).
- Germain Brière, Les successions, Traité de droit civil, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 1990).
- Pierre-Gabriel Jobin, Le louage, Traité de droit civil, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 1989).
Colloquia and Civil Law Workshops
- Yaëll Emerich & Laurence Saint-Pierre Harvey, eds, Le public en droit privé, Éditions Yvon Blais, 2019.
- Yaëll Emerich & Marie-Andrée Plante, eds, Repenser les paradigmes : approches transsystémiques du droit, Montréal, Yvon Blais, 2018.
- Anne-Sophie Hulin & Robert Leckey, eds, L'abnégation en droit civil, Montréal, Yvon Blais, 2017.
- Anne-Sophie Hulin, Robert Leckey & Lionel Smith, eds, Les apparences en droit civil, Montréal, Yvon Blais, 2015.
- Alexandra Popovici, Lionel Smith & Régine Tremblay, eds, Les intraduisibles en droit civil, Paul-André Crépeau Center for private and comparative Law (Montréal: Thémis, 2014).
- Alexandra Popovici & Lionel Smith, eds, "Colloque du Centre Paul-André Crépeau de McGill portant réflexions sur l'affectation" (2014) 48:2 RJT 533—656.
- Lionel Smith, ed, The Worlds of the Trust, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013).
- Lionel Smith, ed, "La fiducie en droit civil" (2013) 58:4 McGill LJ 793—966 (special edition based on the 2008-2009 edition of te Civil Law Workshop "Trusts in Civil Law").
- Jimena A. Dorato, Jean-Frédéric Ménard & Lionel Smith, eds, Le droit civil et ses codes: parcours à travers les Amériques, (Montréal: Thémis, 2011).
- Yaëll Emerich & Lionel Smith, eds, "Terminologie et modèles propriétaires au XXIe siècle" (2008) 38:2 RGD 229—513.
- Nicholas Kasirer, ed, Thirtieth Anniversary Conference: Cross-examining Private Law 1975-2005, Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 2008).
- Véronique Fortin, Myriam Jézéquel & Nicholas Kasirer, eds, Les septs péchés capitaux et le droit privé, (Montréal: Thémis, 2007).
- Nicholas Kasirer, ed, Le droit civil: avant tout un style?, (Montréal: Thémis, 2003).
- Nicholas Kasirer, ed, La solitude en droit privé, (Montréal: Thémis, 2002).
- Nicholas Kasirer & Pierre Noreau, eds, Sources et instruments de justice en droit privé, (Montréal: Thémis, 2002).
- Nicholas Kasirer, ed, "Legislation: challenges and potentials" (2001-2002) 47:1 RD McGill 2—262.
- Nicholas Kasirer, ed, Le faux en droit privé, (Montréal: Thémis, 2000).
- Nicholas Kasirer & Gerald Snow, eds, "Harmonisation et dissonance: langues et droit au Canada et en Europe" (2000) 3:1 RCLF 1—278.
Comparative Law Collections
- Gérard Mémeteau, La responsabilité civile médicale en droit comparé français et québécois, Comparative Law Collection, (Montreal: Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, 1990).
- Roger Bout, Le contrat d’assurance en droit comparé français et québécois, Comparative Law Collection, (Montreal: Yvon Blais/Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, 1988).
- Jacques Béguin, L’arbitrage commercial international, Collection de droit comparé, (Montreal: Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, 1987).
- Georges Durry, La distinction de la responsabilité contractuelle et de la responsabilité délictuelle, Comparative Law Collection, (Montreal: Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, 1986).
- Edward W. Keyserlingk, The Unborn Child’s Right to Prenatal Care: A Comparative Law Perspective, Comparative Law Collection, (Montreal: Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, 1984).
- Christian Larroumet, Réflexions sur la responsabilité civile: évolution et problèmes actuels en droit comparé, Comparative Law Collection, (Montreal: Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, 1983).
- Jacques Ghestin, Le contrat dans le nouveau droit québécois et en droit français: principes directeurs, consentement, cause et objet, Comparative Law Collection, (Montreal: Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, 1982).
- Henri Batiffol, Les contrats en droit international privé comparé, Comparative Law Collection, (Montreal: Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, 1981).
Ad Hoc Publications
- Albert Mayrand, Dictionnaire de maximes et locutions latines utilisées en droit, 4th ed, Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 2007).
- Jean-Claude Gémar & Nicholas Kasirer, eds, Jurilinguistics: Between Law and Language, (Montréal: Thémis, 2005).
- Serge Lortie, Nicholas Kasirer & Jean-Guy Belley, eds, Du Code civil du Québec: Contribution à l'histoire immédiate d'une recodification réussie, (Montréal: Thémis, 2005).
- Paul-André Crépeau, La réforme du droit civil canadien: une certaine conception de la recodification, 1965-1977, (Montréal: Thémis, 2003).
- Élise Charpentier & Paul-André Crépeau, eds, The UNIDROIT Principles and the Civil Code of Quebec: Shared Values?, Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, (Scarborough: Carswell, 1998).
- John E. C. Brierley & Nicholas Kasirer, eds, Archives of the President of the Civil Code Revision Office, (Montréal: Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, 1995).
- Paul-André Crépeau et al, Principes relatifs aux contrats du Commerce International, (Rome: UNIDROIT, 1994).
- Annuaire de l’Académie internationale de droit comparé, Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 1993).
- General Reports to the XIIIth International Congress of Comparative Law (Montréal, 1990), Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 1992).
- Peter P.C. Haanappel et Ejan Mackaay, dir, New Netherlands Civil Code: patrimonial law, Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, (Deventer: Kluwer Law and Taxation, 1990).
- Christian Atias, Savoir des juges et savoir des juristes : mes premiers regards sur la culture juridique québécoise, (Montréal: Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, 1990).
- Paul-André Crépeau, L’intensité de l’obligation juridique, (Montréal: Yvon Blais, 1989).
- Raymond Duquette, Normand Gendron & René Letarte, L’indemnisation du préjudice pour blessures corporelles - capital ou rente?, (Montréal: Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, 1988).
- Michael G. Bridge, Paul-André Crépeau et Paul P.C. Haanappel, Recovery of damages for loss of future earnings, (Montréal: Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, 1987).
- Miren A. Letemendia et Ton J. M. Zuijdwijk, The Competition Policies of the European Economic Community and Canada, (Montréal: Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, 1983).
Lexicographical Notes
- Comité de rédaction, Notes lexicographiques: Droit réel (1998) 100 R du N 275.
- Comité de rédaction, Notes lexicographiques: La bonne foi du point de vue du Canada (1999) 1 Un L Rev 76.
- Comité de rédaction, Notes lexicographiques: Succession (1999) 101 R du N 130.
- Comité de rédaction, Notes lexicographiques: Dommage – préjudice, (2000) 68 Circuit Magazine 9.
- Mario Naccarato, Note lexicographique : Cy-près, (2005) 46 C de D 771.
- Mario Naccarato, Notes lexicographiques : Fiduciaire (2005) 107 R du N 357.
- Martine Lachance, Notes lexicographiques : Le document technologique (2005) 107 R du N 351.
- Éric Labbé, Notes lexicographiques : Fidéicommis, (2007) 109 R du N 333.
- Hugo Métivier & Vincent Forray, Notes lexicographiques : Héritier (2018) 120:3 R du N 603.
- David D'Astous & Hugo Métivier, Notes lexicographiques : Liberté de tester (2021-2022) 122:3 R du N 807.
Civil Code Revision Office Archives (CCRO)
The archives of the president of the Civil Code Revision Office, Professor Paul-André Crépeau, are available at the Centre. The archives are made up of CCRO's working papers, reports, correspondence, minutes of meetings and internal memoranda. They can be consulted by visiting the CCRO Archives website.
Health Care Law
- Technical Manual Related to the Creation of a Medical Malpractice Data Bank In Québec (The REMEDHOS Data Bank), 1990.
- Report on Medical Malpractice Suits Instituted in Québec, 1990.
- Report on the Creation of a Medical Malpractice Data Bank in Québec, 1990.
Biomedical Law
- Reference Framework for Research Activities Conducted in Healthcare Establishments in Québec, 2000.
- Administrative Framework for Research Activities Conducted in Healthcare Establishments in Québec, 2000.
- Report on Control Mechanisms in Clinical Trials in Québec, 1995.