Some of our publications on a shelf. Certaines de nos publication sur une étagère.
Image by Lysanne Larose.

The Paul-André Crépeau Centre and its members regularly issue publications. The Center edits many projects, such as the Private Law Dictionaries and Lexicons, researches stemming from the Civil Code Revision Office Archives and from its annual Civil Law Workshop. The Center's members have been publishing through the Collection of the Civil Law Treaties, the Collection of Comparative law, and the Lexicographical Notes. The Ad Hoc Publications section highlights individual publications of the members relating to private law. 

Private Law Dictionaries & Bilingual Lexicons

  • Paul-André Crépeau Center for private and comparative Law, Private Law Dictionary and Bilingual Lexicons - Family, 2nd ed (Cowansville (Qc):Yvon Blais, 2016).
  • Paul-André Crépeau Center for private and comparative Law, Private Law Dictionaries Online, (Montreal: McGill University, 2014).
  • Paul-André Crépeau Center for private and comparative Law, Private Law Dictionary and Bilingual Lexicons - Property, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 2012).
  • Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, Private Law Dictionary and Bilingual Lexicons - Obligations, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 2003). 
  • Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, Private Law Dictionary of the Family and Bilingual Lexicons, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 1999).
  • John E. C. Brierley & Paul-André Crépeau, eds, Dictionnaire de droit privé et lexiques bilingues, 2nd ed, Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, Cowansville (Qc), Yvon Blais, 1991.
  • Robert P. Kouri, ed, Private law dictionnary and bilingual lexicons, 2nd ed, Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, Cowansville (Qc), Yvon Blais, 1991.
  • John E. C. Brierley & Paul-André Crépeau, eds, Lexique de droit privé et Supplément au Dictionnaire de droit privé (1985), Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, Cowansville (Qc), Yvon Blais, 1988. 
  • Robert P. Kouri, ed, Private Law Dictionnary and Bilingual Lexicons, Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, Cowansville (Qc), Yvon Blais, 1988.
  • John E. C. Brierley & Paul-André Crépeau, eds, Dictionnaire de droit privé et lexiques bilingues, Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, Cowansville (Qc), Yvon Blais, 1985.

Civil Codes

Civil Law Treatise Collection

  • Madeleine Cantin Cumyn & Michelle Cumyn, L'administration du bien d'autrui, 2nd ed, Traité de droit civil, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 2014).
  • Gérald Goldstein & Ethel Groffier, Droit international privé: règles spécifiques, t 2, Traité de droit civil, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 2003).
  • Madeleine Cantin Cumyn & Michelle Cumyn, L'administration du bien d'autrui, Traité de droit civil, Cowansville (Qc), Yvon Blais, 2000.
  • Paul-Yvan Marquis, La responsabilité civile du notaire, Traité de droit civil, Cowansville (Qc), Yvon Blais, 1999.
  • Gérald Goldstein & Ethel Groffier, Droit international privé: théorie générale, t 1, Traité de droit civil, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 1998).
  • Pierre-Gabriel Jobin, Le louage, 2nd ed, Traité de droit civil, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 1997).
  • Germain Brière, Les successions, 2nd ed, Traité de droit civil, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 1994).
  • Germain Brière, Les successions, Traité de droit civil, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 1990).
  • Pierre-Gabriel Jobin, Le louage, Traité de droit civil, (Cowansville (Qc): Yvon Blais, 1989).

Colloquia and Civil Law Workshops

Comparative Law Collections

Ad Hoc Publications

Lexicographical Notes

  • Comité de rédaction, Notes lexicographiques: Droit réel (1998) 100 R du N 275.
  • Comité de rédaction, Notes lexicographiques: La bonne foi du point de vue du Canada (1999) 1 Un L Rev 76.
  • Comité de rédaction, Notes lexicographiques: Succession (1999) 101 R du N 130.
  • Comité de rédaction, Notes lexicographiques: Dommage – préjudice, (2000) 68 Circuit Magazine 9.
  • Mario Naccarato, Note lexicographique : Cy-près, (2005) 46 C de D 771.
  • Mario Naccarato, Notes lexicographiques : Fiduciaire (2005) 107 R du N 357.
  • Martine Lachance, Notes lexicographiques : Le document technologique (2005) 107 R du N 351.
  • Éric Labbé, Notes lexicographiques : Fidéicommis, (2007) 109 R du N 333.
  • Hugo Métivier & Vincent Forray, Notes lexicographiques : Héritier (2018) 120:3 R du N 603.
  • David D'Astous & Hugo Métivier, Notes lexicographiques : Liberté de tester (2021-2022) 122:3 R du N 807.

Civil Code Revision Office Archives (CCRO)

The archives of the president of the Civil Code Revision Office, Professor Paul-André Crépeau, are available at the Centre. The archives are made up of CCRO's working papers, reports, correspondence, minutes of meetings and internal memoranda. They can be consulted by visiting the CCRO Archives website.

Health Care Law

  • Technical Manual Related to the Creation of a Medical Malpractice Data Bank In Québec (The REMEDHOS Data Bank), 1990.
  • Report on Medical Malpractice Suits Instituted in Québec, 1990.
  • Report on the Creation of a Medical Malpractice Data Bank in Québec, 1990.

Biomedical Law

  • Reference Framework for Research Activities Conducted in Healthcare Establishments in Québec, 2000.
  • Administrative Framework for Research Activities Conducted in Healthcare Establishments in Québec, 2000.
  • Report on Control Mechanisms in Clinical Trials in Québec, 1995.




The Crépeau Centre thanks the Chambre des notaires du Québec and the Department of Justice Canada for their financial support.



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