The 2023-24 CAnD3 Annual Report is here!

Team Members

Our team members are made up of leading-edge researchers in population aging, population data science, digital and computational demography, award-winning teachers, and directors, chief data officers, and analysts. 

Please see governance for team members’ involvement in CAnD3 committees.

Long horizontal grey line

Circular head shot of Monica Alexander, a CAnD3 team member from the University of Toronto

Monica Alexander 

Assistant Professor, Statistical Sciences and Sociology, University of Toronto 

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Monica Alexander's accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Monica Alexander's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Monica Alexander's professional website


Circular head shot of Daniel Béland, a CAnD3 team member from McGill University


Daniel Béland

Director, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada, McGill University 

James McGill Professor, Department of Political Science

 Twitter icon hyperlinked to Daniel Béland's accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Daniel Béland's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Daniel Béland's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Daniel Béland's professional website



Circular head shot of Simona Bignami, a CAnD3 team member from Université de Montréal


Simona Bignami 

Associate Professor, Department of Demography, Université de Montréal

Full Member, Centre on Population Dynamics, McGill University 

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Simona Bignami's accountWebsite icon hyperlinked to Simona Bignami's ResearchGate account



Circular head shot of Sarah Brauner-Otto, a CAnD3 team member from McGill University


Sarah Brauner-Otto

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, McGill University 

Director, Centre on Population Dynamics, McGill University 

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Sarah Brauner-Otto's accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Sarah Baruner-Otto's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Sarah Bruaner-Otto's ResearchGate account


Circular head shot of Sébastien Breau, a CAnD3 team member McGill University


Sébastien Breau

Associate Professor, Department of Geography, McGill University

Google Scholar icon hyperlinked to Sébastien Breau's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Sébastien Breau's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Sébastien Breau's ResearchGate account


Circular head shot of Colin Busby, a CAnD3 team member from the Institute for Research on Public Policy


Colin Busby

Research Director, Institute for Research and Public Policy (IRPP)

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Colin Busby's accountLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Colin Busby's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Colin Busby's ResearchGate account



A circular head shot of Marie Connolly, a CAnD3 team member from Université du Québec à Montréal,


Marie Connolly

Professor, Department of Economics, Université du Québec à Montréal

Director, Research Group on Human Capital (GRCH)

Fellow, CIRANO

Google Scholar icon hyperlinked to Marie Connolly's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Marie Connolly's professional website



Circular head shot of Theodore Cosco, a CAnD3 trainee from Simon Fraser University


Theodore Cosco 

Assistant Professor and Undergraduate Program Chair, Department of Gerontology, Simon Fraser University 

Research Fellow, Oxford Institute of Population Aging, University of Oxford

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Theodore Cosco's accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Theodore Cosco's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Theodore Cosco's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Theodore Cosco's ResearchGate account



Circular head shot of Tom DiPrete, a CAnD3 team member from Columbia University


Tom DiPrete

Giddings Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Columbia University 

Director, Institute of Social and Economic Research and Policy (ISERP)

Co-Director, Center for the Study of Wealth and Inequality, Columbia University

LinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Tom DiPrete profile



Circular head shot of Benoit Dostie, a CAnD3 team member from the Quebec Inter-University Center for Social Statistics


Benoit Dostie

Director and Professor, Department of Applied Economics, HEC Montreal

Academic Director, Quebec Inter-University Center for Social Statistics (QICSS)

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Benoit Dostie's accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Benoit Dostie's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Benoit Dostie's profile



Circular head shot of Greg Eirich, a CAnD3 team member from Columbia University


Greg Eirich

Director, Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences, Columbia University

LinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Greg Eirich's profile



Circular head shot of Thomas Emery, a CAnD3 team member from the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute


Tom Emery

Deputy Director, Generations and Gender Programme, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)

Executive Director, Dutch National Infrastructure for Social Science, Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovations (ODISSEI)

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Tom Emery's accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Tom Emery's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Tom Emery's profile




Circular head shot of Aaron Erlich, a CAnD3 team member from McGill University


Aaron Erlich 

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, McGill University 

Founding Member, Centre for Social and Cultural Data Science (CSCDS), McGill University 

Member, Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship, McGill University 

Associate Member, Centre on Population Dynamics, McGill University

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Aaron Erlich's accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Aaron Erlich's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Aaron Erlich's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Aaron Erlich's professional website



Circular head shot of Grant Gibson, a CAnD3 team member from the Canadian Research Data Centre Network


Grant Gibson

Assistant Research Program Director, Canadian Research Data Centre Network (CRDCN)

Google Scholar icon hyperlinked to Grant Gibson's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Grant Gibson's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Grant Gibson's professional website



Circular head shot of Michael Grignon, a CAnD3 team member from McMaster University


Michel Grignon 

Professor, Department of Economics and Health, Aging, and Society, McMaster University  

Graduate Chair, Department of Health, Aging, & Society, McMaster University

Associate Scientist, Institut de Recherche et Documentation en Èconomie de la Santé

Editor-in-Chief, Health Reform Observer

Google Scholar icon hyperlinked to Michel Grignon's profile



Circular head shot of Neeru Gupta, a CAnD3 team member from the University of New Brunswick


Neeru Gupta 

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of New Brunswick

Google Scholar icon hyperlinked to Neeru Gupta's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Neeru Gupta's profile



Circular head shot of Catherine Haeck, a CAnD3 team member from Université du Québec à Montréal,


Catherine Haeck

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Université du Québec à Montréal

Director, CIQSS-UQAM-INRS Laboratory

Google Scholar icon hyperlinked to Catherine Haeck's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Catherine Haeck's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Catherine Haeck's professional website



CAnD3 Team member Paul Holness from ESDC


Paul Holness

Acting Manager, Strategic Partnerships and Horizontal Integration, Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)

LinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Paul's profile



Circular head shot of Paul Holyoke, a CAnD3 team member from SE Health


Paul Holyoke

Director, SE Research Centre, SE Health

LinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Paul Holyoke's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Paul Holyoke's ResearchGate account



Circular head shot of Janice Keefe, a CAnD3 team member from Mount Saint Vincent University


Janice Keefe

Professor, Department of Family Studies and Gerontology, Mount Saint Vincent University 

Lena Isabel Jodrey Chair in Gerontology, Mount Saint Vincent University

Director, NS Centre on Aging, Mount Saint Vincent University

Google Scholar icon hyperlinked to Janice Keefe's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Janice Keefe's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Janice Keefe's professional account




Circular head shot of Eric Kim, a CAnD3 team member from the University of British Columbia


Eric Kim

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia

Research Affiliate, Human Flourishing Program, Harvard University

Research Affiliate, Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Eric Kim's accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Eric Kim's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Eric Kim's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Eric Kim's professional website




Circular head shot of Nicholas King, a CAnD3 team member from McGill University


Nicholas King 

Associate Professor, Department of Social Studies of Medicine & Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McGill University

Director, Policy and Data Science Program at the Max Bell School of Public Policy, McGill University 

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Nicholas King's accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Nicholas King's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Nicholas King's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Nicholas King's professional website



Circular head shot of Susan Kirkland, a CAnD3 team member from Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging


Susan Kirkland

Professor, Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, Dalhousie University 

Associate Director, Geriatric Unity 

Principal Investigator, Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA)

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Susan Kirkland's account



Circular head shot of Ümit Kiziltan, a CAnD3 team member from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada


Ümit Kiziltan

Chief Data Officer, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

LinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Ümit Kiziltan's profile



Circular photo of speaker Anaïs Lacasse


Anaïs Lacasse

Professor & chronic pain epidemiologist, Department of Health Sciences, University of Quebec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue

LinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Anais' profile



Circular head shot of Lacey Langlois, a CAnD3 team member from CIHI



Lacey Langlois

Senior Consultant, Office of VP Research & Analysis, Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)

LinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Lacey's profile



Circular head shot of Tony Lea, a CAnD3 team member from Environics Analytics


Tony Lea

Senior Vice President & Chief Methodologist, Environics Analytics




Circular head shot of Leah MacFadyen, a CAnD3 team member from the University of British Columbia


Leah Macfadyen

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Master of Educational Technology, University of British Columbia

Associate Professor of Teaching, Department of Language and Literacy Education, University of British Columbia

Director, Changing Eye Educational Consulting 

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Leah Macfadyen's accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Leah Macfadyen's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Leah Macfadyen's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Leah Macfadyen's ResearchGate account



Circular head shot of Rachel Margolia, a CAnD3 team member from Western University


Rachel Margolis

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Western Ontario

Associate Member, Centre on Population Dynamics, McGill University 

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Rachel Margolis' accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Rachel Margolis' profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Rachel Margolis' profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Rachel Margolis' professional website



Circular head shot of Patrik Marier, a CAnD3 team member from teh Centre for Research and Expertise in Social Gerontology


Patrik Marier

Professor, Department of Political Science, Concordia University

Scientific Director, Centre for Research and Expertise in Social Gerontology (CREGÉS)

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Patrik Marier's accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Patrik Marier's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Patrik Marier's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Patrik Marier's ResearchGate account



Circular head shot of Anne Martin-Matthews, a CAnD3 team membr from the University of British Columbia


Anne Martin-Matthews 

Professor, Department of Sociology, University of British Columbia 

Associate Vice-President, UBC Health, University of British Columbia 

LinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Anne Martin-Matthews' profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Anne Martin-Matthews' ResearchGate account




Circular head shot of Kim McGrail, a CAnD3 team member from Population Data BC


Kimberlyn McGrail

Scientific Director, SPOR Canadian Data Platform and Population Data BC (PopDataBC)

Professor, School of Population and Public Health, UBC

Director of Research, UBC Health

Data Director, BC Academic Health Sciences Network

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Kim McGrail's accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Kim McGrail's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Kim McGrail's profile



Circular head shot of Peter McMahan, a CAnD3 team member from McGill University


Peter McMahan

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, McGill University

Associate Member, Centre on Population Dynamics, McGill University

Google Scholar icon hyperlinked to Peter McMahan's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Peter McMahan's professional website



Circular head shot of Karen Mihorean, CAnD3 team member from Statistics Canada


Karen Mihorean

Director General, Statistics Canada

Website icon hyperlinked to Evelina's ResearchGate account


Circular head shot of Melinda Mills, a CAnD3 team member from the Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science at Oxford University


Melinda Mills

Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Oxford

Director, Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science, University of Oxford

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Melinda Mills' accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Melinda Mills' profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Melinda Mills' profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Melinda Mills' professional website



Circular head shot of Sylvain Moreno, a CAnD3 team member from Digital Health Circle


Sylvain Moreno

Associate Professor, School of Interactive Arts and Technology, Simon Fraser University 

CEO & Scientific Director, Digital Health Circle (AGE-WELL National Innovation Hub)

Google Scholar icon hyperlinked to Sylvain Moreno's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Sylvain Moreno's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Sylvain Moreno's ResearchGate account



Circular head shot of Doug Norris, a CAnD3 team member from Environics Analytics


Doug Norris

Senior Vice President & Chief Demographer, Environics Analytics

Adjunct Professor, University of Alberta

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Doug Norris' accountLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Doug Norris' profile




Circular head shot of Amélie Quesnel-Vallée, director of CAnD3


Amélie Quesnel-Vallée

Canada Research Chair of the Department of Equity, Ethics and Policy (DEEP), School of Population and Global Health (SPGH), Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Director, McGill Observatory on Health and Social Services Reforms (MOHSSR)

Director, International Research Infrastructure on Social inequalities in health (IRIS)

Professor, Departement of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health and Department of Sociology, McGill University

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Amélie Quesnel-Vallée's accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Amélie Quesnel-Vallée's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Amélie Quesnel-Vallée's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Amélie Quesnel-Vallée's professional website



Circular head shot of Derek Ruths, a CAnD3 team member from McGill University


Derek Ruths

Associate Professor, School of Computer Science, McGill University

Chief Data Scientist,

Chief Architect, Charitable Analytics International 

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Derek Ruth's accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Derek Ruth's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Derek Ruth's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Derek Ruth's professional website




Claudia Sanmartin

Director, Strategic Analysis, Publications and Training Division, Statistics Canada

LinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Claudia Sanmartin's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Claudia Sanmartin's ResearchGate account



Circular head shot of Emily Saras, a CAnD3 team member from Knowli



Emily Daina Šaras

Chief Executive Officer and Data Scientist, Knowli Data Science

Instructor, Department of Sociology, Florida State University

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Emily Daina Šaras' accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Emily Daina Šaras' profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Emily Daina Šaras' profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Emily Daina Šaras' professional website


Circular head shot of MArkus Schafer, a CAnD3 team member from the University of Toronto


Markus Schafer 

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Toronto

Associate Chair of Graduate Studies, Department of Sociology, University of Toronto

Faculty Associate, Institute of Life Course and Aging, University of Toronto

Google Scholar icon hyperlinked to Markus Schafer's profile



Circular head shot of Thomas Soehl, a CAnD3 team member from McGill University


Thomas Soehl

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, McGill University 

Canada Research Chair in International Migration

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Thomas Soehl's accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Thomas Soehls's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Thomas Soehl's profile



Circular head shot of Vernon Southward, a CAnD3 team member from


Vernon Southward


LinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Vernon Southward's profile



Circular head shot of Lisa Strohschein, a CAnD3 team member from the University of Alberta


Lisa Strohschein

Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Alberta 

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Lisa Strohschein's accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Lisa Strohschein's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Lisa Strohschein's ResearchGate profile



Circular head shot of Erin Strumpf, a CAnD3 from McGill University


Erin Strumpf

Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, McGill University

Founding Member, Public Policy and Population Health Observatory (3PO), McGill University

Google Scholar icon hyperlinked to Erin Strumpf's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Erin Strumpf's professional website




Circular head shot of Miles Taylor, a CAnD3 team member from Florida State University


Miles Taylor

Professor, Department of Sociology, Florida State University

Research Associate, Center for Demography and Population Health, Florida State University

Faculty Associate, Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy, Florida State University

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Miles Taylor's accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Miles Taylor's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Miles Taylor's professional website



Circular head shot of Christina Wolfson, a CAnD3 from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging


Christina Wolfson

Lead Principal Investigator, Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA)

Professor, Department of Medicine and Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics & Occupational Health, McGill University 

Senior Scientist, Brain Repair and Integrative Neuroscience Program, McGill University Health Centre 

Website icon hyperlinked to Christina Wolfson's ResearchGate account


Circular head shot of Laura Wright, a CAnD3 team member from University of Saskatchewan


Laura Wright

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Saskatchewan

Google Scholar icon hyperlinked to Laura Wright's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Laura Wright's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Laura Wright's ResearchGate account



Circular head shot of Emilio Zagheni, a CAnD3 from the  Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Germany


Emilio Zagheni

Director, Laboratory of Digital and Computational Demography, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

Data Science Fellow, Science Institute, University of Washington 

Research Affiliate, Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology, University of Washington

Affiliate, Center for Statistics and Social Sciences, University of Washington

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Emilio Zagheni's accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Emilio Zagheni's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Emilio Zagheni's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Emilio Zagheni's professional account



Circular head shot of Anna Zajacova, a CAnD3 team member from Western University


Anna Zajacova

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Western Ontario

Twitter icon hyperlinked to Anna Zajacova's accountGoogle Scholar icon hyperlinked to Anna Zajacova's profileLinkedIn icon hyperlinked to Anna Zajacova's profileWebsite icon hyperlinked to Anna Zajacova's professional website



Circular head shot of Zachary Zimmer, a CAnD3 team member from Mount Saint Vincent University


Zachary Zimmer

Professor, Department of Family Studies and Gerontology, Mount Saint Vincent University

Canada Research Chair in Aging and Community & Director, Global Aging and Community Initiative, Mount Saint Vincent University


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