miie introduction, interactive, engaging, relevant

Interactive. Engaging. Relevant.


A unique approach to learning

What makes MIIE workshops, courses & programs so unique is that they are custom-designed to facilitate your needs as an educator in order to meet the expectations and demands of the 21st century.

MIIE specializes in its flexibility of venue and structure, offering the option of pre-defined content, learning outcomes, and deliverables. Our MIIE professors will travel to your location to give course and workshop content that is customized collaboratively to your specific academic requirements, and to your specific time period.

MIIE also provides complementary post course support from our McGill faculty experts to ensure that your newly gained skills are applied successfully and to your satisfaction.

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Flexible Structure

Not only is MIIE offering world recognized faculty courses, it is delivering them on your terms, your schedule and at your designated location. 

Our Expertise

With world-renowned faculty, alumni & international partners, MIIE customizes programs for educators, trainers and academic leaders who want to make a difference.

The McGill Factor

MIIE is an institute within the Faculty of Education of McGill University, consistently ranked among the top universities in the world.

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