2025 Admissions
If you are a new applicant to McGill, you must create an account using the McGill web-based application system (the Online application system) to build and submit your application to the University.
Please view the "How to Apply" video for helpful information on completing and submitting your application :
DEADLINE ►11:59 pm November 1 for MDCM (university level applicants), 11: 59pmMarch 1 for Med-P Qualifying Year (CEGEP level applicants).
Some important notes before using the system:
Apply online
- Applicants must apply to the medicine program(s) using McGill University's online application system. A non-refundable application fee is required to complete the application. This fee can be paid by credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express).
- For Fall 2025: Select Fall 2025 (Graduate and Undergraduate) and Summer 2025 (Cont. Studies only) and 25-26 Undergraduate Admissions
- Candidates can apply for up to two undergraduate programs with one application fee. You pay the regular application fee on your first application. If both programs you apply to are eligible for the two-for-one fee discount, the University will credit you for the cost of the application that is less expensive. Please refer to the application fee table.
- You can stop and save your progress at any time. The application will only be processed once you have submitted and paid the application fee.
- The system accepts applications (with payment) until 11:59pm on the deadline date (Nov. 1 university applicants, Mar. 1 cegep applicants). We recommend you submit and pay before the deadline date, as you may be required to upload supporting documents (see next section). All supporting documents are due by 11:59 on the deadline date, unless otherwise indicated.
Submit your supporting documents
- Submit your supporting documents online. Provide your complete academic history. Include all Universities, degree-granting colleges and/or University-level schools you attended. You must upload unofficial copies of your transcripts from each Post-secondary institution you have attended (with the exception of cegep, these are received from the Ministry of Education directly), as well as other documents stipulated based on your applicant category in the Applicant Portal. A list of the required documents will be accessible on the online application system. Additional supporting documents submitted by mail or email will not be included in your application.
- Once you have submitted your application an acknowledgement will be sent to the email address you have included in your application. You will be able to track your application via the online application system.
- You will receive your confirmation e-mail and McGill ID number 24 hours after you submit your application. Thus, there is a delay before receiving your McGill ID number. If you are a university-level applicant for the MDCM program, you will need to include your McGill ID on your Academic Workbook checklist item before uploading it to the portal.
Submit your test scores
- Casper: Ensure you have selected McGill University for distribution before the posted distribution deadline: Casper Test | Undergraduate Medical Admissions - McGill University
- Proof of French language proficiency by November 1st for University level candidates or March 1st for CEGEP level candidates: Language Proficiency | Office of Admissions - McGill University
- For all IMG (international medical graduate) applicants-MCCQE part 1 score – upload copy and share with McGill (via the physiciansapply.ca web portal) by November 1
Verify the status of the application in the Applicant Portal
- Applicants can monitor the status of their application on the Applicant Portal, and log in using the email and password they used to create their application. As the supporting documents are received and recorded, candidates should consult the admissions checklist to see which documents (if any) are missing, incomplete, or illegible. Candidates should consult the Applicant Portal regularly as new items might be requested to complete their file. It is important to respond to requests for further documentation in a timely manner.
- Candidates are responsible for monitoring the status of their application on the Applicant Portal. **Documents submitted after the application deadline will not be considered.
- A status of "Provide supporting documents" means that the application is incomplete. If the application remains incomplete after the deadline for submission of supporting documents, the application will be cancelled. We will not cancel applications that are missing only Casper scores after the deadline (and you have passed the Casper test prior to the application deadline). Candidates will have an application status of "Items outstanding" until we receive their score, after which their file will be reviewed.
- An "In Review" status means that a candidate’s file is complete and/or under review. The "In Review" status will remain until a final decision is rendered.
- During peak periods (i.e., close to the deadlines), we receive a high volume of documents. At those times, there may be a delay of up to 3 business days between when a document is received and when it is verified on the Applicant Portal. Taking this delay into consideration, candidates should only contact the Undergraduate Medical Admissions Office if their file remains incomplete 3 business days past the deadline.
For any additional questions, please refer to the FAQ page and you may contact us at: admissions.med [at] mcgill.ca prior to submitting your application, or through the Get Help button at the bottom of the Applicant Portal after you submit your application.