Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA): Discovery 5500 from TA Instruments
Contact: petr.fiurasek [at] (Petr Fiurasek) - Location: OM47
Faces scheduling system group: QCAM
Documentation - Training - Rates
Measure changes in weight percent in relation to a temperature or time program in a controlled atmosphere
- Temperature range: ambient to 1200 ˚C
- Typical sample weight: 5-10 mg
- Weighing precision: ± 0.01%
- Sensitivity: 0.1 µg
- Controlled heating rate: 0.1 to 1500 ˚C/min
- Gas analysis furnace (EGA)
- Furnace Air cooling (force air/nitrogen): 1000 to 50 ˚C ~ 12 min
- Baseline dynamic drift: <10 µg (50 to 1000°C at 20°C/min)
- Modes: Hi-Res TGA, Auto Stepwise TGA, modulated temperature TGA (MTGA)
- Purge gas system with mass flow controllers - Atmosphere: air, nitrogen