FTIR Infrared spectrometer Spectrum II from Perkin Elmer
Contact: petr.fiurasek [at] mcgill.ca (Petr Fiurasek) - Location: OM47
Faces scheduling system group: QCAM
Documentation - Training - Rates
FT-IR are used for the identification of organic and inorganic material and the determination of molecular structures.
- Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) accessory
- Single bounce diamond crystal
- Standard, room-temperature LiTaO3 (lithium tantalate) MIR detector
- Total range 4000 to 400 cm-1 at the best resolution 0.5 cm-1
- Unique humidity shield design (OpticsGuardTM) system
- Pearl Liquid Analyser – liquid transmission accessory
- ZnSe 200 µm windows