Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC): Discovery 2500 from TA Instruments
Contact: petr.fiurasek [at] mcgill.ca (Petr Fiurasek) - Location: OM47
Faces scheduling system group: QCAM
Documentation - Training - Rates
Measure heat flow associated with structure (amorphous and crystalline) and changes in structure (transitions) of materials as a function of time and temperature in a controlled atmosphere.
- Temperature range: -90 ˚C to 400 ˚C
- Typical sample weight: 5-10 mg
- Baseline reproducibility (Tzero): < 10 µW
- Baseline flatness: < 6 µW
- Temperature accuracy: ± 0.025˚C
- Temperature precision: ± 0.005˚C
- Optional mode: modulated temperature DSC (MDSC)
- Direct heat capacity (Cp) measurement
- 54-position autosampler
- Purge gas system with mass flow controllers – nitrogen and air