The Department provides opportunities for the community at large to cultivate interest in Mathematics and Statistics. Moreover, we promote the efforts of other organizations throughout Montreal sharing a similar cause. We provide information on such activities here, as well as volunteer opportunities for students and faculty
Or you may access a shortlist of McGill activities that we thought math and stats students might be more likely to be fit for or interested in: undergraduate student opportunities, and graduate student opportunities. Many of these have deadlines in early September! We hope you will consider taking part in such activities -- and that you will find them gratifying! If you do participate, please consider getting in touch with the chair of the EOSW committee (rosalie.belanger-rioux [at] (Rosalie Bélanger-Rioux) in 2023-2024) to tell us about your experience so we can better advertize these activities, and who knows, maybe organize a whole team of math and stats people at Explore McGill?
Directed Reading Program
The Directed Reading Program, or DRP, is a program which pairs undergraduate students interested in research with graduate students in the appropriate field. The purpose of the program is to give undergraduate students an opportunity to connect with graduate students
who can give them a taste for graduate level research projects and reading assignments, as well as give them advice for their transition from undergrad to grad school.
Montreal Math Circle
Concordia University hosts workshops for enthusiastic kids interested in learning more advanced mathematics. The program is approximately 8-9 workshops in a semester. Many participants also take part in math contests. The activities are catered to children in grades 3 or above.
Canadian Math Kangaroo Contest
The Canadian Math Kangaroo Contest (CMKC) is a volunteer-run, not-for-profit organization which aims to spread the joy of mathematics. The CMKC Corporation is administered by mathematicians and teachers of mathematics who cooperate with other professionals in order to provide an atmosphere and conditions suitable for motivating students to learn. The contest's main purpose is to promote mathematical thinking and stimulate an interest in math, by providing students with an opportunity to compare their abilities against the abilities of other students, from different countries around the world. In the past several years, the geography of the participating countries has been extended outside Europe, to USA, Paraguay, Mexico, Canada, etc.
Branches - McGill's Community Outreach Program
The Branches program hosts a variety of events, projects, and workshops aimed at helping get you involved and addressing needs of the community. Check out their website to find out more about events, activities, and programs for youth of all ages.
McGill Faculty of Science Outreach
The McGill Faculty of Science has created a centralized website for various outreach activities organized by the McGill Faculty of Science.
Outreach Opportunities in French
- Plusieurs associations francophones se consacrent à la promotion et à la vulgarisation des mathématiques par le biais de concours et jeux mathématiques, de conférences, d’événements grand public et d’autres programmes.
- Centre de Recherches Mathématiques (CRM) : Grandes conférences, Programmes thématiques, Projet “ En Avant Math! ”
- Association Québécoise des Jeux Mathématiques (AQJM) : Concours annuel et activités grand public
- Institut des Sciences Mathématiques (ISM) : Colloques étudiants, Programme de conférences, revue Accromath, Cercle mathématique de Montréal
- Association Mathématique du Québec (AMQ) : Concours secondaire et collégial, Congrès annuel et publication du Bulletin AMQ
- Groupe des Responsables en Mathématiques du Secondaire (GRMS) : Concours Opti-Maths
- Sciences et Mathématiques en Action (SMAC) : Jeux et spectacles
Campus Life & Engagement (CL&E)
Campus Life & Engagement (CL&E) is a proud member of Student Services and supports students at the different stages in their life at McGill. By collaborating with various University departments and student groups; they act as the go-to hub for connecting you to the resources and opportunities that will help you make the most of your time at McGill. Whether you are a new or returning student at McGill, you can depend on CL&E as a source for helping you navigate the University, connect to meaningful opportunities, and develop your interests and skills.
Find out how to get involved at the Campus Life & Engagement (CL&E) website
- COMmunity: Commuters of McGill website.
- Getting Involved for First Years: this resource gives students ideas on how to get involved and even gives students access to an 'involvement specialist' that can help them find areas that would match their particular interests! Please find further information on the First Years website.
- And More!