From CAN-ACN News:
"Dr. Arkady Khoutorsky is making disruptive contributions in two key areas of neuroscience: translational control in neurological disorders and chronic pain, and his work in both areas is bringing forward new concepts for developing novel types of therapeutic interventions. Read his full profile here: Arkady Khoutorsky wins a 2023 CAN New Investigator award for pioneering research on chronic pain and neurological disorders.
Dr. Bratislav Misic studies how cognition and behaviour emerge from the links and interactions among brain areas. His innovative work, integrating in vivo neuroimaging, statistical learning and network science, is profoundly transforming the field’s understanding of multi-scale structure-function relationships in the brain. Read his full profile here: Bratislav Misic wins a CAN 2023 New Investigator Award for ground-breaking work on brain networks"