Trainee Get-Togethers

Collage: Trainees smiling and talking, as well as a group pic in front of a Christmas tree

HBHL trainees come from diverse backgrounds and locations, from the main campus to all McGill-affiliated institutions across Montreal. The objective of the monthly HBHL Trainee Get-Togethers is to provide an opportunity for trainees who are interested in neuroscience to network, learn from each other and build collaborations. The Get-Togethers include a variety of research talks as well as social activities.

The HBHL Trainee Get-Togethers are organized by the HBHL Trainee Committee. All graduate students and postdoctoral fellows with an interest in neuroscience are welcome. 

hbhl.trainees [at] (Please email the Trainee Committee with any inquiries you may have)

About the Get-Togethers

Get-Togethers will take place once a month at Thomson House from 5:00-7:00 p.m., followed by a networking session from 7:00-8:00 p.m. Food and refreshments will also be served. These events are a great opportunity to gain public speaking experience and meet HBHL Fellows, trainees and faculty.

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