Are you interested in taking one or two courses offered by the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP) but do not want to enroll in a degree program?
A number of ECP's courses are available to non-program students (referred to as 'Special Students') with permission from the Department. However, please note that not all courses are open or available to students from outside the Department. Your eligibility to enroll will be determined based on space, your academic/professional background, and the structure of the course. Priority is given to students enrolled in a program.
If you are interested in taking a course or two:
- Visit the Minerva Dynamic Schedule site to determine which course(s) you would like to register for. All courses offered by ECP have as a Subject Code EDPC, EDPE, EDPH, EDPI, or EDPT, so when searching for courses you only need to highlight these Subject Codes to view our offerings. For all other courses, please contact the offering Department.
- Follow the instructions below related to your course or student type.
If you are interested in a number of courses offered by ECP, perhaps you'd prefer to look into enrolling in one of our programs. Depending on the courses you're interested in, a Master's, Doctoral, Certificate, Diploma, or Graduate Diploma program might be more suitable for you. You will find all the pertinent information on applying to our programs in the Programs & Courses section of our website.
Please note that, in the event of a future application to a program, courses taken as a Special Student are subject to review by the program's Admissions Committee for eligibility to count for credit towards a degree.
What to do if...
... you are interested in taking an undergraduate level course
Undergraduate courses are those offered at the 200, 300, 400 or 500-level (which is determined by the Course Number; NOT the CRN). To determine if you are eligible to enroll in a course, you must contact the Department via [at] (email) listing the following information (with a subject line of 'Request to take Course as Special Student - Undergraduate):
- Course Information
- Course Name, Number, and Section (ex: EDPE 300-001)
- CRN (ex: 1115)
- Term Registering For (ex: Fall 2012)
- Requestor Information
- Academic/Professional Background (ex: prerequisite courses or training deeming eligibility)
- Reason for taking the course
Once submitted, you will receive an email from an ECP Support Staff member confirming if you are eligible to take a course. If you are, you must apply online to enroll as a Special Student through Enrollment Services via the McGill Online Application page (when applying, select 'Education' as your Faculty). The deadlines to apply for courses as a Special Student are as follows (Where a deadline falls on a weekend or a statutory holiday, the effective deadline will be the following business day).:
- Fall term: Deadline of July 15th annually
- Winter term: Deadline of November 10th annually
- Spring/Summer terms: Deadline of April 1st annually
For general information regarding registering as an undergraduate Special Student, including deadlines for submission of documentation and more, please visit McGill's Special or Visiting Students page.
... you are interested in taking a graduate level course
Graduate level courses are those offered at the 600 or 700-level (which is determined by the Course Number; NOT the CRN). To determine if you are eligible to enroll in a course, you must contact the Department via [at] (email) listing the following information (with a subject line of 'Request to take Course as Special Student - Graduate):
- Course Information
- Course Name, Number, and Section (ex: EDPE 666-001)
- CRN (ex: 10570)
- Term Registering For (ex: Fall 2019)
- Requestor Information
- Academic/Professional Background (ex: prerequisite courses or training deeming eligibility)
- Reason for taking the course
Once submitted, you will receive an email from an ECP Support Staff member confirming if you are eligible to take a course (up to a maximum of two per semester). As a Special Student you can take one, or two at most, graduate-level courses per term (6 credits), without the intention of obtaining a graduate degree or diploma. Special Students, like all graduate applicants, must meet the minimum graduate-level entrance requirements. If you are eligible, you must create a McGill account via Slate and let the Department know, via [at] (email), when this has been done so we can provide an override for you to apply as a Special Student with No Degree. The deadlines to apply for courses as a Special Student are as follows (Where a deadline falls on a weekend or a statutory holiday, the effective deadline will be the following business day).:
- Fall term: Deadline of June 15th annually (international applicants: April 15 annually)
- Winter term: Deadline of November 10th annually
- Spring/Summer terms: Deadline of April 1st, annually
Any applications received after the deadline will not be eligible for enrollment. For general information regarding registering as an Special Student, please visit the Visiting, Exchange and Special Students page of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS).
... you are a current McGill Student
If you are a current McGill student and are unable to register for a particular course offered by ECP, regardless of what program you are enrolled in, please consult the 'Having Trouble Registering?' section of our Department's Registration page.
... you are currently studying at another Quebec university
What is the Quebec Inter-University Transfer Agreement (AEHE-IUT)?
The Quebec Inter-University Transfer Agreement (IUT) or Autorisation d'études hors établissement (AEHE) allows students registered at any of the province's universities to take courses, which will count toward a degree at their home university, at other Quebec universities. For example, if you are a McGill student, you can take a course at the Université de Montréal and apply the resulting course credit to your McGill degree this is subject to faculty policies — be sure to contact your faculty's Student Affairs Office to see what conditions apply to you. See website here:
Exchange, Special, or Visiting students are NOT eligible to take courses at other Quebec universities using the Quebec IUT procedure.
... you missed a program application deadline
A select number of courses offered by the Department are available for enrollment as a Special Student, with the instructions provided above regarding enrolling in Graduate or Undergraduate courses outside of a Degree program at ECP. Please see the instructions provided in these sections.
Note that clinical courses (those in the Counselling Psychology and School/Applied Child Psychology programs) are reserved for students in these programs. Under exceptional circumstances only can certain courses be taken as a Special Students.
... you still have any questions
If you require assistance or have further questions about registering for a course here at ECP, please send us an [at] (email) and we will be happy to answer you.