Contact Us


We try to answer as many of your questions as possible throughout the website, so make sure you explore it to find the information you need. If you still have questions after reading through the site, feel free to email us.

Admissions Office

2001 McGill College Avenue, room 500
Montreal, (QC) H3A 1G1
(514) 396-2161 or (514)-396-1369
undergrad.dentistry [at] (Email)

Operating Hours

Please note that the Admissions Office is closed to visits from the public, and the staff will is working using an hybrid system. The official means of communication with the Admissions Office is by email.



To learn more about life as a dental student contact one of our Student Ambassadors.

If you would like to visit the Undergraduate Dental Clinic you can contact one of our 3rd-Year or 4th-Year Student Ambassadors and ask for a tour.

University and CEGEP students interested in the McGill undergraduate dental programs are welcome to shadow current dental students. Click here to learn more about Clinical Shadowing.

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