Dr. Denise Michelle Brend is an Assistant Professor at Université Laval in the École de travail social et de criminologie, Faculty of Social Sciences. A member of the Canadian Consortium on Child and Youth Trauma, researcher in the Centre international de criminologie comparée (CICC) and Recherches Appliquées et Interdisciplinaires sur les Violences intimes, familiales et structurelles (RAIV) research groups, Dr. Brend’s current projects relate to trauma-informed care in carceral and child- and youth-serving organizations; secondary traumatic stress prevention for trauma-impacted professionals; knowledge mobilization; and, practice and policy responses for trauma-impacted organizations. Dr. Brend's research is informed by 20 years of practice experience as a social worker, psychotherapist, and clinical supervisor offering services for survivors of trauma, including child-welfare- and justice-involved youth and adults. Dr. Brend’s doctoral work included several projects within the McGill Centre for Research on Children and Families (Building Research Capacity with First Nations and Mainstream Youth Protection Services in Quebec; SSHRC). Dr. Brend’s postdoctoral work was the co-design, implementation through social innovation, and post-implementation evaluations of Pingouin-Polaris (MITACS).
Contact: aline.bogossian [at] umontreal.ca (Email)