Inflation has stretched the budgets of individuals and companies alike, and some firms have sought to find savings in the wages they pay their employees. A recent report from the Robert Walters recruiting agency found that Canadian firms are increasingly hiring underqualified employees. But that can backfire, says Professor Jean-Nicolas Reyt in interview with Canadian HR Reporter.

Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt
Published on: 7 Aug 2024

Nine out of 10 Canadians are interested in a four-day work week, according to a recent survey, making it their most desirable benefit ahead of health care, flexible scheduling and additional vacation days.

Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill experts
Published on: 31 Jul 2024

While some countries contemplate shorter work weeks, Greece is heading in the opposite direction. Seeking to boost economic growth, the country recently passed a law allowing employers to implement a six-day work week, though the change is not mandatory. Greece faced a debt crisis in 2010, and its economy has long been among Europe’s laggards. As a member of the Eurozone, Greece doesn’t make its own monetary policy, explains Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour.

Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt
Published on: 15 Jul 2024

Some of the Toronto companies that tested a four-day workweek are sticking with it, and cite higher productivity and better work-life balance as the reasons for the change. McGill Desautels Professor Jean-Nicolas Reyt thinks it will eventually become the norm, and companies that resist it risk losing talent. “The best employees will leave,” Reyt told Radio-Canada. “It would be a bad idea to refuse to have a conversation about it.”

Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt
Published on: 15 Aug 2023

The potential for office work to be performed remotely has been evident since the advent of email and the web, but for decades, most employers allowed only very limited remote work. The pandemic let that genie out of the bottle and finally granted employees what many had been advocating for in vain, writes Associate Professor in Organizational Behaviour Jean-Nicholas Reyt in an opinion piece for the Montreal Gazette. The recent strike by the Public Service Alliance of Canada is a prime example of this sentiment.

Classified as: Organizational Behaviour (T), Jean-Nicolas Reyt
Published on: 25 May 2023

McGill Desautels undergraduate students Aaron Anandji (BCom’25) and Zacharie Faucillion (BCom’23), Co-Executive Directors of McGill Ventures, took second place at Baylor University’s Hankamer School of Business’ National Undergraduate Negotiation Competition (NUNC) this April.

Classified as: experiential learning, Case Competitions and Challenges, Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Organizational Behaviour (T)
Published on: 23 May 2023

One of the biggest names in tech thinks the move to fully remote work is a big mistake. According to Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, everyone needs to be together to create a cohesive and productive work environment. And that’s partly right, says Jean-Nicolas Reyt, an Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Desautels. “The vast majority of the economy has switched to hybrid work, and not fully remote,” says Reyt. “This allows people to better manage the interface between their work and personal lives.

Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Organizational Behaviour (T)
Published on: 17 May 2023

Office workers adopted remote work on a massive scale during the pandemic, and many of them only want to return to the office on a limited basis. This was a major issue in the spring 2023 strike by the Public Service Alliance of Canada. In the union’s new contract, remote work requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. This makes an amount of sense, according to Desautels Prof. Jean-Nicolas Reyt. "Some jobs do require you to be on-site, but at the end of the day, it has to be case-by-case," Reyt told CBC News.

Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt
Published on: 11 May 2023

The results are in, and the four-day work week isn’t only good for workers – companies like it too. In a six-month UK study, 61 employers trialed a 4-day work week that asked employees to perform the same work in less time, and at the end of the trial period, 92% of participating employers chose to make the shorter week permanent. “This is in line with previous study we’ve seen before,” said Prof. Jean-Nicolas Reyt to CBC Radio’s Cross-Country Checkup with Ian Hanomansing.

Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Organizational Behaviour (T)
Published on: 7 Mar 2023

Remote work promised office workers more freedom and flexibility, but digital surveillance tools are already eroding that. Some employers use digital surveillance tools that monitor employees’ computer activity by logging the keystrokes on their keyboard, and even taking web cam photos to ensure that they are dutifully staring at their screens. But this is short-sighted, says Desautels Prof Jean-Nicolas Reyt, as it may cause office relationships to take an unhealthy turn.

Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Organizational Behaviour (T)
Published on: 2 Nov 2022

About a year ago, Poche et Fils conducted a trial of the four-day work week that has since become permanent. Employees at the Montreal-based clothing companies receive the same pay as when they were working five days a week, and the company has sought to maintain the same productivity too. The first step was identifying tasks that were time-consuming and useless -- and eliminating them. But there are other ways that a shorter work week can save time too. A new generation of workers is negotiating not on salary, but on hours, said Desautels Prof.

Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Organizational Behaviour (T)
Published on: 6 Oct 2022

It is no secret that inflation has sent costs soaring, but wages are going up too. In a recent survey of US small businesses, more than two-thirds said they had increased the wages of their employees. Companies that don’t match inflation are essentially asking their staff to take a pay cut, says Prof. Jean-Nicolas Reyt in an interview with BBC Worklife. That will make employees unhappy, and the best ones could choose to move on to companies where better wages make them feel more appreciated.

Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Organizational Behaviour
Published on: 11 Aug 2022

Across programs and subject areas, the Desautels Faculty of Management recognizes the vital role that teaching plays in enriching the student experience and in inspiring the next generation of leaders.

The Distinguished Teaching Award recipients Sujata Madan and Juan Serpa were honoured at McGill’s 2022 Management Convocation ceremony on June 1, for their excellence in teaching.

Classified as: Faculty Awards, Sujata Madan, Juan Serpa, Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Peter Seung Hwan Oh, Amanda Abrams, Robert Nason, Warut Khern-am-nuai, David Schumacher, Samer Faraj, Karl Moore
Published on: 10 Jun 2022

While Ontario’s right to disconnect law sounds like a good idea, experts say it’s important to observe the impact of the practice on the well-being of employees and its practical application in the workplace before considering a pan-Canada approach. (Global News)

Here is an expert from McGill University that can provide comment on this issue:

Classified as: McGill experts, Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Desautels Faculty of Management, Organizational Behaviour, remote work, work from home, hybrid work, right to disconnect
Published on: 6 Jun 2022

If a company doesn’t want to share salary information, there could be a reason for that. About 75 per cent of people don’t negotiate a higher salary for themselves, and women and minorities are underrepresented among those who do not, according to Prof. Jean-Nicolas Reyt. But Montreal-based telecommunications company Oxio is taking steps toward salary transparency.

Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Organizational Behaviour (T)
Published on: 18 May 2022


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