On March 3rd, 2015, Professor Steve Maguire, Director of the Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management (MDIIM), and Professor of Strategy & Organization in the Desautels Faculty of Management, presented as an invited lecturer at UCLA’s Global Business and Policy Forum. The event, focused on “Business, Law & Green Chemistry”, was jointly hosted by the Center for Global Management (UCLA Anderson School of Management) and the Lowell Milken Institute for Business Law and Policy (UCLA School of Law).

Classified as: Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management, Sustainability, MDIIM Events, Sustainability Initiative
Published on: 29 Apr 2015

Message from Professor Anthony C. Masi, Provost

I am delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou as the next Dean of the Desautels Faculty of Management, beginning 1 September 2015.

Prof. Bajeux-Besnainou’s appointment was made Tuesday, 28 April 2015 by McGill’s Board of Governors, following the recommendation of a committee that conducted an international search for top candidates.

Classified as: Dean of the Faculty of Management, Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou
Published on: 29 Apr 2015

Le regard d'Alain Brunet s'illumine lorsqu'il parle de vin et de commerce de détail. L'homme se passionne pour ces sujets depuis qu'il a décroché son premier emploi à la SAQ, il y a 34 ans.

Read full article: Argent Canoe, April 27, 2015

Classified as: EMBA, EMBA Alumni, Alain Brunet
Published on: 29 Apr 2015

Omar Allam was just 32 years old and already he’d climbed a significant portion of the steep government bureaucracy ladder at the Foreign Affairs Department.

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 29 Apr 2015

Focus means concentrated attention. It refers to conscious and intentional actions by a person to achieve a particular objective. One needs discipline to overcome tendencies to deviate. It is easier said than done with regard to maintaining focus. 

... It is easier said than done with regard to maintaining focus. Henry Mintzberg, a veteran management scholar discussed this in his book, The Nature of Managerial Work. Managers must typically work on a variety of tasks simultaneously and rely on their colleagues to complete a job.

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, FOCUS
Published on: 29 Apr 2015

Congratulations to Maripaz Fernández, Marianne El Yordy Morera and Juan de los Santos who will be headed to Paris to compete at L’Oreal’s Brandstorm finals on June 18 in Paris.

Classified as: Brandstorm, L'Oreal Brandstorm, Juan de los Santos, Marianne El Yordy Morera, Maripaz Fernández
Published on: 8 Apr 2015

The Social Economy Initiative in partnership with the McGill Quartier de l’Innovation (QI) team invites McGill student (graduate and undergraduate) applications to a part-time 6-month internship developing a case study on McGill’s partnership and involvement with the Salon 1861 (Gestion immobilière Quo Vadis). 

The project will be co-supervised by Desautels Professors Emmanuelle Vaast and Ruthanne Huising with support from Ms. Isabelle Péan of the McGill QI team.

Classified as: Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management, MDIIM, SEI, Social Economy Initiative
Published on: 2 Apr 2015

In November 2014, the Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Managment (MDIIM)'s Health Initiative hosted its first formal MD MBA Alumni event. Entitled "Technology and Innovation in Health Management: MD-MBA Alumni Share their Experience", the full day event featured opening remarks by Dr. Lawrence Rosenberg, CEO of the Jewish General Hospital, and presentations by alumni Dr. Sacha Bhatia, Dr. Ilan Shahin and Dr. John Machado.

Classified as: Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management, MDIIM Events, MDIIM Health Initiative, Health Management
Published on: 1 Apr 2015

Yo Omata is an ambitious woman. At 36, she is a medical science liaison with a U.S. pharmaceutical company in Tokyo, a job that perfectly complements her professional experience as a scientist with a PhD in dentistry.

Now, with a brand new MBA from the Desautels Faculty of Management of McGill University’s Japan program, her sights are firmly set on the C-suite.

It’s a goal she feels is a real possibility despite Japan’s stubbornly poor track record in promoting women to managerial or executive positions.

Classified as: MBA Japan, Philip O’Neill, yo omata
Published on: 30 Mar 2015

Professor Nancy J. Adler has been ranked #23 in the leadership professionals category in the 2015 Global Gurus Ranking.

Classified as: Nancy Adler, global gurus
Published on: 27 Mar 2015

À l’époque, l’histoire n’a pas fait grand bruit. Tout a débuté en 2012, lorsque cinq étudiants de l’Université McGill ont déposé leur candidature au Hult Prize. Connaissez-vous le Hult Prize ? Il s’agit d’un prestigieux concours international en entrepreneuriat social, notamment soutenu par Bill Clinton et Muhammad Yunus. Il permet au gagnant de remporter une bourse de 1 M$ US.


Read full article: Les Affaires, March 21, 2015

Classified as: Hult Prize
Published on: 20 Mar 2015

On January 16-17, 2015, the Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management (MDIIM), CREATE in Green Chemistry, and the Trottier Institute for Sustainability in Engineering and Design (TISED), jointly hosted a workshop and case competition on Sustainable Innovation through Green Chemistry.

Classified as: Green Chemistry, Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management, MDIIM, Sustainability, Sustainability Initiative
Published on: 16 Mar 2015

Over the past year, a record 266 companies have spun off divisions in a trend bankers are calling “Spinmania.” If history is any guide, about 35 of those deals will have leaked undetected to inside traders.

A new study by a team of finance professors suggests one in eight corporate spinoffs and divestments in the U.S. between 1996 and the end of 2013 was preceded by suspicious trading in options markets. The Securities and Exchange Commission hasn’t brought a single case relating to such trading then or since, according to the report, due to be published later this month. 

Classified as: finance, Desmarais Global Finance Research Centre, Patrick Augustin, insider trading, Bloomberg Business
Published on: 16 Mar 2015

McGill Desautels Professor Gregory Vit's book: The Risk in Risk Management: Financial Organizations and the Problem of Conformity was reviewed in the March 2015 Issue of Organization Studies. The reviewer, Professor Iain Munro, concluded: "…this book deserves to be widely read and I have no doubt that its scrupulous lessons will better equip us and our students to avoid such financial misadventures in the future."

Classified as: Gregory Vit, McGill Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship, Strategy & Organization
Published on: 12 Mar 2015

New initiatives contribute to increased revenues

by Cece Zhang

Jan 27, 2015

The Management Undergraduate Society (MUS) organized the Winter Carnival and the Cancer Auction, raising approximately $45,000 towards cancer research this year, a significant increase from last year’s events, which raised $30,000.

Classified as: Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), Management Undergraduate Society (MUS)
Published on: 12 Mar 2015


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