AuthorsErtza, M., Karakasb, F., Sarigöllü, E. 

Publication: Journal of Business Research


Classified as: Marketing, Emine Sarigollu
Published on: 24 Oct 2016

Authors: Cukier, W., Gagnon, S., Roach, E., Elmi, M., Yap, M., Rodrigues, S.

Publication: The International Journal of Human Resource Management 


Classified as: Suzanne Gagnon, Organizational Behaviour
Published on: 20 Oct 2016

Authors: Gagnon, S., Collinson, D. L. 

Publication: Organization Studies 


Classified as: Suzanne Gagnon, Organizational Behaviour
Published on: 6 Oct 2016

Authors: Han, D., Duhachek, A., Agrawal, N. 

Publication: Journal of Consumer Research 


Classified as: Marketing
Published on: 6 Oct 2016

Authors: Trivedi, M., Gauri, D.K., Yu, M. 

PublicationManagement Science, Vol. 63, No. 10, October 2017  


Classified as: Yu Ma, Marketing, management science, Desautels 22
Published on: 6 Oct 2016

Authors: MacCrory, F., Choudhary, V., Pinsonneault, A. 

Publication: Information Systems Research 


Classified as: Alain Pinsonneault
Published on: 6 Oct 2016

Authors: Saurin Patel and Sergei Sarkissian 

Publication: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 52, No. 5, 2017, pp. 1989-2021.


Classified as: Sergei Sarkissian, finance
Published on: 6 Oct 2016

Authors: Vaast, E., Shaikh, M.

Publication: Information Systems Research 


Classified as: Emmanuelle Vaast, Information Systems
Published on: 6 Oct 2016

Congratulations to Assistant Professor David Schumacher of Finance on receiving NFA 2016 Best Paper Award on ETFs in Asset Management for "Who is afraid of BlackRock?".

Authors: Schumacher, D., Wang, Y., Massa, M.

Publication: Social Science Research Network 


Classified as: finance, David Schumacher
Published on: 6 Oct 2016

Congratulations to Associate Professor Emmanuelle Vaast of Information Systems on receiving the 2016 Best Paper Award by Information & Organization for "Speaking as One, But Not Speaking up: Dealing with New Moral Taint in an Occupational Online Community"

Authors: Vaast, E., Levina, N.

Publication: Information and Organization 


Classified as: Emmanuelle Vaast
Published on: 6 Oct 2016

Congratulations to Professor Emeritus Mary Dean Lee of Organizational Behavior on being awarded JMS Best Paper 2015 for "Going Off Script: How Managers Make Sense of the Ending of Their Careers"

AuthorsVough, H.C.Bataille, C.D.Sung, N.C.Lee, M.D.

Publication: Journal of Management Studies 

Classified as: Mary Dean Lee, Organizational Behaviour
Published on: 6 Oct 2016

Congratulations to Professor Vedat Verter (Co-investigator) on receiving a CIHR/SSHRC Healthy and Productive Work Partnership Development Grant for, Strengths-Based Nursing Management and Leadership Training with Innovative Story-sharing. This program is very competitive; of the 20 grants awarded, McGill University was granted one.

Classified as: Vedat Verter, operations management
Published on: 16 Sep 2016

Congratulations to Professor Brian Rubineau (Co-investigator)  on receiving a SSHRC Partnership grant for, A multi-sector partnership to investigate and develop policy and practice models to dismantle rape culture in universities, which was ranked 3rd among 16 applications.  

Classified as: Organizational Behaviour, brian rubineau
Published on: 16 Sep 2016

Congratulations to Professor Saibal Ray on being named a Member of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists, Royal Society of Canada. This distinguished honour is conferred upon Professor Ray for his accomplishment in the study of social entrepreneurship operations and recognizes the impact that his research has made on society.

The McGill community will celebrate Professor Ray, along with other award winners, at the 2017 Bravo gala this March.

Classified as: Saibal Ray, royal society of canada, Social Entrepreneurship, operations management
Published on: 14 Sep 2016

The Bloomberg Manulife Prize for the Promotion of Active Health, valued at $50,000 CAD, is offered each year by McGill University to an academic whose research has contributed to understanding how factors, such as physical activity, nutrition, fitness or psychosocial context, can influence personal health and well-being, and whose work could have a positive impact on behavior and lifestyle choices.

Published on: 12 Sep 2016


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